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Graduate Studies Calendar 2018-2019 Courses of Instruction Course Descriptions S Social Work SOWK
Social Work SOWK

Instruction offered by members of the Faculty of Social Work.

Graduate Courses

Note: Not all options are offered every academic year. The number of options will vary across the programs and program locations.

Social Work 600       Social Justice and Theory in Advanced Social Work Practice
Examines concepts of culture, identity, oppression and "differentness" in relationship to theories of social justice, at all levels of professional practice.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Advanced Social Work Practice.
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Social Work 602       Research and Philosophy in Advanced Social Work Practice
Explores social work research through examination of various approaches (qualitative and quantitative), paradigms, and methods and applies social work research to theories as students develop their professional practice model.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Advanced Social Work Practice.
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Social Work 604       Advanced Practice Theories in Context
Examines theoretical models, philosophical frameworks and ethical foundations of social work practice as a means to facilitate change while locating social work’s development and current practice in historical, economic, political, social and cultural contexts.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Advanced Social Work Practice.
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Social Work 606       Advanced Policy Practice in Context
Explores the influences of public policy on the lives, relationships, and well-being of individuals, families, groups and communities, while examining the relationship between social justice in the policy-making process and the role of social workers in shaping policy.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Advanced Social Work Practice.
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Social Work 610       Advanced Topics in Clinical Social Work I
Examines multiple social work theories, models, and approaches to clinical practice. Clinical social work practice is situated within in historical, economic, political, social and cultural contexts. Critical perspectives, contemporary issues and research debates are discussed.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW with specialization in Clinical Social Work Practice or the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Clinical Social Work Practice.
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Social Work 612       Advanced Topics in Clinical Practice and Research I
Application of evidence-based and anti-oppression modalities and best practices towards supporting and helping individuals, groups, families and communities.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW with specialization in Clinical Social Work Practice or the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Clinical Social Work Practice.
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Social Work 614       Advanced Topics in Clinical Social Work II
Examines issues in clinical practice with diverse populations, including Indigenous, Francophone and newcomer populations. Specific treatment modalities and techniques are examined in depth.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW with specialization in Clinical Social Work Practice or the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Clinical Social Work Practice.
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Social Work 616       Advanced Topics in Clinical Practice and Research II
Considers complicating factors in applying best, promising and ethical practices and techniques in clinical practice with diverse populations. Students will advocate for the needs of diverse and specific populations, including Indigenous Canadians and other minorities. Students will develop and use self-care practice.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW with specialization in Clinical Social Work Practice or the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Clinical Social Work Practice.
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Social Work 620       Advanced Topics in International and Community Development I
Examines the role of social work and social workers in international and community development work at home and abroad. Theoretical foundations are examined alongside global influences in relation to historical, economic, political, social and cultural contexts. Critical perspectives, contemporary issues and research debates in social development, internationalization and globalization are discussed.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW with specialization in International and Community Development or the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in International and Community Development.
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Social Work 621       History and Foundation of the Profession
An examination of the relationship between knowledge, values, ethics and power and how they shape interventions in social work.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 622       Advanced Topics in Practice and Research in International and Community Development I
Application of theories and concepts of international social work and community development to practice, with a focus on promoting change and challenging structured inequalities. Development of skills, strategies and tools for engaging in international social work and community development in international and North American settings.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW with specialization in International and Community Development or the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in International and Community Development.
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Social Work 624       Advanced Topics in International and Community Development II
Examination of various approaches, strategies, and perspectives for taking action as a social worker in international and community development settings, and growing a professional toolkit of resources and techniques to engage in this work.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW with specialization in International and Community Development or the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in International and Community Development.
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Social Work 625       Practice with Individuals, Families and Groups
A basic understanding of social work practice theory with respect to work with individuals, families and groups.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 626       Advanced Topics in Practice and Research in International and Community Development II
Designing, creating and evaluating international and community development projects that integrate theory, research, and best practices. Development of greater self-awareness of the role, values, and skills of a social worker engaging in international and community development work.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW with specialization in International and Community Development or the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in International and Community Development.
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Social Work 627       Practice with Organizations and Communities
A basic understanding of social work practice theory with respect to work with organizations and communities.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 629       Professional Communication and Interviewing
Offers experiential learning aimed at developing basic professional competencies and practice skills along with critical self-reflection.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 632       Social Policy and Social Justice
An exploration of the social, political and economic forces, social movements and social structures that are transforming the Canadian welfare state and the practice of social work.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 633       Foundational Field Practicum
Direct and indirect social work practice opportunities with professional supervision.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(426 hours-2T)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 637       Human Behaviour in the Environment
Human development and diversity within a social work context.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 640       Advanced Topics in Leadership in the Human Services I
Examines multiple theories, models and approaches of leadership in the human services. The historical, political, economic, social, and cultural influences impacting human service organizations are examined. Critical perspectives, contemporary issues, and research debates are discussed.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW with specialization in Leadership in the Human Services or the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Leadership in the Human Services.
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Social Work 641       Models of Practice
Provides the conceptual and theoretical foundation for students to acquire the skills to practice in Social Work.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 642       Advanced Topics in Practice and Research in Leadership in the Human Services I
Integrates leadership theories, models, and approaches in organizational and community practice. Applies evidence-based tools and strategies in assessment, evaluation, intervention, innovation, evaluation, change, and collaboration to develop a professional model of leadership.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW with specialization in Leadership in the Human Services or the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Leadership in the Human Services.
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Social Work 644       Advanced Topics in Leadership in the Human Services II
Examines issues of diversity, culture, power and oppression in organizational and community practice. The changing roles of leadership in complex systems and changing contexts will be examined. Explores the influences of policy on the human service organization and the practice of leadership in this setting.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW with specialization in Leadership in the Human Services or the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Leadership in the Human Services.
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Social Work 645       Issues in Social Work Research
An overview of social work research topics and issues.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 646       Advanced Practice and Research in Leadership in the Human Services II
Enhances skills in facilitation, building trust, managing conflict, and fostering relationships in working with individuals, groups and communities. Integration of practice-based research to inform best practices, policy development and social change.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW with specialization in Leadership in the Human Services or the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Leadership in the Human Services.
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Social Work 651       Policy as Context for Clinical Work
Policies and their impacts on the delivery of clinical work will be examined.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 653       Comparative Approaches to Change
Various clinical change applications will be examined and critiqued.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 655       Thesis Research
An introduction to preparing a thesis proposal.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 657       Clinical Social Work Applications
Specific issues involved in the effective application of clinical approaches will be studied.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Social Work 653 and admission to the MSW program, or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 659       Evidence and Clinical Practice
Research as utilized in the clinical arena will be the focus of this course.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 660       Advanced Practicum
Direct and indirect Social Work practice opportunities with professional supervision in student's area of specialization or interest.
Course Hours:
6 units; F(500 hours)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
Social Work 662.
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Social Work 662       Integrative Seminar
Direct and indirect Social Work practice opportunities with professional supervision in student's area of specialization or interest.
Course Hours:
6 units; F(6S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
Prerequisite or corequisite: Social Work 660.
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Social Work 665       Influencing Policy Development

Focuses on leadership in policy practice and in particular policy advocacy at all levels of policy (i.e., organizational, community, and provincial or national levels).

Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 667       Leadership Theories in Action
Directed toward helping prepare leaders for “best practice” across the range of sectors and roles in which human service leaders work.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 669       Leading Organizations and Communities
A practical course that will emphasize networked and collaborative approaches to leadership in a global context.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Social Work 667 and admission to the MSW program, or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 671       Social Policy
Explores social welfare policy in Canada and in a globalizing world, the current roles of social welfare policy, and the roles they should have.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 673       International Social Development
Examines issues in international social development. There will be an emphasis on analysis of the social forces and conditions giving rise to different models of social development, and on what each of these alternative models tends to produce in terms of social welfare policies and programs.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 675       Advanced International Social Work Modules
This set of modules will give students tools for social change.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Social Work 673 and admission to the MSW program, or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 677       Social Work Research for International and Community Methods
International and Community Development Research is designed to provide methodological knowledge and skills specifically oriented to community-based practice abroad or in Canada.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 679       Special Topics Seminar I
Selected topics related to area of specialization or interest.

Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 682       Special Seminar II
Selected topics related to an area of specialization or interest.
Course Hours:
0.75 units; E(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 693       Research as a Foundation for Leadership
This course will provide students with a working understanding for the study and nature of the theoretical and practical issues underlying the application of the research process to professional and leadership practice.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 695       Becoming an Evidence-Based Leader
Extends students’ abilities to identify, assess, and utilize research knowledge as a problem-solving tool in social work.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Social Work 693 and admission to the MSW program, or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 696       Advanced Practicum
Direct and indirect Social Work practice opportunities with professional supervision in student's area of specialization or interest.
Course Hours:
6 units; F(525 hours within two consecutive terms)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 697       Diversity, Oppression and Social Justice
Critical examination of the issues of diversity and the power relations that form common links among the experiences of oppression and marginalization in Canadian society.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 699       Special Topics Seminar II
Advanced selected topics related to area of specialization or interest.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the MSW program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 721       Integrative Research Colloquia
A concluding course offered as final component of student's course work. Allows doctoral students and the instructor to engage in a series of research colloquia, thereby facilitating critical analysis, feedback and synthesis of materials covered and skills learned in other course work. This process will help students to develop conceptual and methodological skills.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(2S-0)
Admission to the Social Work PhD program. 
Social Work 721 can only be taken once all other required courses have been completed.
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Social Work 741       Research Foundations: Epistemology and Professional Knowledge-Building
An exploration of major philosophical issues that have shaped social work's diverse approaches to knowledge building and research methods. The relevance of this exploration to the student's area of interest is emphasized.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(2S-0)
Admission to the Social Work PhD program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 743       Theory, History and Philosophy: Values, Ethics and Professional Beliefs
An exploration of the philosophical and ideological issues that have been historically important to the profession with respect to its conception of its ethics, mandate and practices. The relevance of this exploration to the student's area of interest in emphasized.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(2S-0)
Admission to the Social Work PhD program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 745       Research Methods I: Quantitative
Quantitative methodological and design options in social work research.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(2S-0)
Admission to the Social Work PhD program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 747       Research Methods II: Qualitative
Qualitative methodological and design options in social work research.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(2S-0)
Admission to the Social Work PhD program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 749       Quantitative Data Analysis
Statistical analysis of quantitative data.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(2S-0)
Admission to the Social Work PhD program or consent of the Faculty.
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Social Work 799       Special Topics Seminar
Advanced selected topics related to the PhD focus area.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the Social Work PhD program.
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