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Graduate Studies Calendar 2019-2020 Courses of Instruction Course Descriptions D Data Science DATA
Data Science DATA

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Data Science 601       Working with Data and Visualization
An introduction to fundamental data science concepts including basic data organization, data collection, and data cleaning. Includes a review of basic programming concepts in Python, as well as an introduction to the fundamentals of data visualization and critical thinking with data. Also provides an introduction to data ethics, security, and privacy.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Fundamental Data Science and Analytics, or the Graduate Diploma in Data Science and Analytics.
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Data Science 602       Statistical Data Analysis
An introduction to the foundations of statistical inference including the application of probability models to data, as well as an introduction to simulation-based and classical statistical inference, and the creation of statistical models with R.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Fundamental Data Science and Analytics, or the Graduate Diploma in Data Science and Analytics.
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Data Science 603       Statistical Modelling with Data
An introduction to the creation of complex statistical models, including exposure to multivariate model selection, prediction, the statistical design of experiments and analysis of data in R.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Data Science 602 and admission to the Graduate Certificate in Fundamental Data Science and Analytics or the Graduate Diploma in Data Science and Analytics.
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Data Science 604       Big Data Management
An introduction to data storage and manipulation at both desktop and cloud scales. Introduces core database concepts and provides a practical introduction to both SQL and NoSQL systems. Also introduces parallel and distributed computing concepts including distributed storage and large scale parallel data processing using MapReduce. Design and implementation of new data visualizations to aid analysis, with emphasis on the practical and ethical implications of design and analysis decisions.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Data Science 601 and admission to the Graduate Certificate in Fundamental Data Science and Analytics or the Graduate Diploma in Data Science and Analytics.
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Data Science 605       Actionable Visualization and Analytics
Introduces deeper tools, skills, and techniques for collecting, manipulating, visualizing, analyzing, and presenting a number of different common types of data. With a data life-cycle perspective, looks into data elicitation and preparation as well as the actual usage of data in a decision-making context. Introduces techniques for visualizing and supporting the interactive analysis and decision making on large complex datasets. Focus on critical thinking and good analysis practices to avoid cognitive biases when designing, thinking, analyzing, and making decisions based on data.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Data Science 601, 602, 603 and 604, and admission to the Graduate Diploma in Data Science and Analytics.
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Data Science 606       Statistical Methods in Data Science
Design of surveys and data collection, bias and efficiency of surveys. Sampling weights and variance estimation. Multi-way contingency tables and introduction to generalized linear models with emphasis on applications.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Data Science 601, 602, 603 and 604, and admission to the Graduate Diploma in Data Science and Analytics.
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Data Science 607       Statistical and Machine Learning
Advancement of the linear statistical model including introduction to data transformation methods, classification, model assessment and selection. Exposure to both supervised learning and unsupervised learning.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Data Science 601, 602, 603 and 604, and admission to the Graduate Diploma in Data Science and Analytics.
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Data Science 608       Developing Big Data Applications
Provides advanced coverage of tools and techniques for big data management and for processing, mining, and building applications that leverage large datasets. Addresses database and distributed storage design for both SQL and NoSQL systems, and focuses on the application of distributed computing tools to perform data integration, apply machine learning, and build applications that leverage big data. Students will also examine the security and ethical implications of large-scale data collection and analysis.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Data Science 601, 602, 603 and 604, and admission to the Graduate Diploma in Data Science and Analytics.
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Data Science 611       Predictive Analytics
Overview of the basic concepts and techniques in predictive analytics as well as their applications for solving real-life business problems in marketing, finance, and other areas. Techniques covered in this course include: decision trees, classification rules, association rules, clustering, support vector machines, instance-based learning. Examples and cases are discussed to gain hands-on experience.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Data Science 601, 602, 603 and 604, and admission to the Graduate Diploma in Data Science and Analytics.
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Data Science 612       Decision Analytics
Introduces fundamental concepts and modelling approaches to solve problems that are faced by decision makers in today’s fast-paced and data-rich business environment. Different decision alternatives are analyzed and evaluated with the use of computer models. Topics include the most commonly used applied optimization, simulation and decision analysis techniques. Extensive use will be made of appropriate computer software for problem solving, principally with spreadsheets.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Data Science 601, 602, 603 and 604, and admission to the Graduate Certificate in Data Science and Analytics.
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Data Science 613       Introductory Data Analytics
Introduction to new tools for data analytics that can be used to discover, collect, organize, and clean the data to make it ready for analysis. Emphasis is placed on software tools used to interact with data sources and provision of user skills to create business applications that encompass a variety of business data sources; such as customers, suppliers, markets, competitors, and regulators. Software packages used to clean and organize the data for analysis will be introduced, as well as software to enable users’ understanding of the data that is collected.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Data Science 601, 602, 603 and 604, and admission to the Graduate Certificate in Data Science and Analytics.
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Data Science 614       Advanced Data Analytics
Examination of tools and methods used in data analysis, including basic and advanced analytic tools, as well as machine learning techniques. One or more data analysis packages/programs are used to analyze different types of business data. Statistical and other analytic methods, such as data mining, machine learning and various techniques, and their application to business data analytics are explored.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Data Science 601, 602, 603, 604, 611 and admission to the Graduate Diploma in Data Science and Analytics.
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Data Science 621       Advanced Statistical Modelling
An introduction to the fundamental statistical methods used in health data science including interpretation and communicating the results of these methods. Explores modelling using an epidemiological paradigm such as the assessment for modification and confounding. Introduces fundamental health research methods including study design and the evidence hierarchy.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Data Science 601, 602, 603 and 604, and admission to the Graduate Diploma in Data Science and Analytics.
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Data Science 622       Machine Learning for Health Data Science
An introduction to the application of machine learning methods to problems in health data. The concepts of precision medicine and precision public health are introduced and the role of data science in these endeavors is explored. Using real examples from health data, various contemporary machine learning techniques are taught.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Data Science 601, 602, 603 and 604, and admission to the Graduate Diploma in Data Science and Analytics.
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Data Science 623       Big Data in Health
Many of the major health data assets that exist in Alberta and Canada will be explored through hands-on experience with several datasets. Issues relating to access, confidentiality, privacy and data stewardship will be examined. Methodological challenges related to data linkage will be discussed. Students will work with large health databases including health administrative data, electronic medical record data and various other databases.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Data Science 601, 602, 603 and 604, and admission to the Graduate Diploma in Data Science and Analytics.
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Data Science 624       Advanced Exploration and Visualization in Health
Explores the synthesis and summary of large volumes of information into interpretable and compelling results. Software packages useful for visualization of data are examined, including software for geographic information systems, augmented reality, and infographics. Data Science software commonly used in health industry is examined. Fundamental design principles are introduced to guide the approach to data presentation, communication, and interpretation.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Data Science 601, 602, 603 and 604, and admission to the Graduate Diploma in Data Science and Analytics.
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