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Faculty of Science
1. Summary of Programs
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4. Administration
5. Program Details
5.1 Biological Sciences
5.2 Chemistry
5.3 Computer Science
5.3.1 Programs in Computer Science
5.3.2 BSc Major and Honours in Computer Science Internship Programs
5.3.3 Double Major in Computer Science and General Mathematics
5.3.4 Combined Degree, BComm/BSc (Computer Science)
5.3.5 Combined Degree, BSc (Computer Science)/BSc (Biological Sciences)
5.3.6 Required Courses - Minor Program
5.4 Geoscience
5.5 Mathematics and Statistics
5.6 Non-Departmental Programs: Nanoscience, Natural Sciences, Neuroscience
5.7 Physics and Astronomy
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Summary of Changes
²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar 2009-2010 Faculty of Science 5. Program Details 5.3 Computer Science 5.3.1 Programs in Computer Science
5.3.1 Programs in Computer Science

See the subsections on Enrolment Limitations in Section 3 (Faculty Regulations) and in Section 5 (Program Details) under Computer Science.

In some cases, courses that are no longer offered can be substituted for newer courses listed in the following requirements. Additional information about course substitutions is available from the Department of Computer Science.

Courses constituting the field of Computer Science
Required Courses - BSc Major Program

1.0 FCE - One of the following three sets of courses:

3.5 FCE - Computer Science 265 or 355, 313, 325, 331, 349 or 449, 413, and 457;

0.5 FCE - One of Software Engineering 301 or Computer Science 301;

2.0 FCE - One of Mathematics 211, 213 or 221, one of Mathematics 249, 251 or 281, one of Mathematics 271 or 273, and one of Statistics 211, Mathematics 321, or an alternative course in Statistics with the consent of the Department (Mathematics 321 is preferred).

0.5 FCE - Logic Requirement: Philosophy 279 or 377;

0.5 FCE - Ethics Requirement: One of Philosophy 249, 329, 349, or Business and Environment 561;

4.0 FCE - Taken from the field of Computer Science: one and one-half numbered 500 or above, two numbered 400 or above, and one-half numbered 300 or above;

7.0 FCE - Non-CPSC Requirement: Options that are not in the field of Computer Science;

1.0 FCE - Options.

Note 1: Courses used to satisfy the above Logic Requirement, Ethics Requirement and Non-CPSC Requirement must include at least four FCE chosen from the Faculties of Communication and Culture, Humanities, Fine Arts, Social Sciences, or the Haskayne School of Business. Of these four FCE, students must take at least one FCE in each of at least two of the aforementioned Faculties. The four FCE from other faculties may not be chosen from the courses listed in Table I in 3.4 Program Requirements.

Note 2: Mathematics 321 has one of Mathematics 253, 263, 283, or Applied Mathematics 219 as a prerequisite.

Note 3: Science 311 may be counted among four FCE from other faculties.

Note 4: The Department offers several concentrations that can provide focus on specific areas of computer science. Students interested in these concentrations need to choose their options carefully, including the options taken in the first two years of the program, to fulfill the concentration requirements.

Required Courses - BSc Honours Program

1.0 FCE - One of the following three sets of courses:

4.5 FCE - Computer Science 265 or 355, 313, 325, 331, 349 or 449, 413, 457 and 502;

0.5 FCE - One of Software Engineering 301 or Computer Science 301;

0.5 FCE - One of Computer Science 511, 513, 517, 518, 519, or 561;

2.0 FCE - One of Mathematics 211, 213 or 221, one of Mathematics 249, 251 or 281, one of Mathematics 271 or 273, and one of Statistics 211, Mathematics 321, or an alternate course in Statistics with the consent of the Department (Mathematics 321 is preferred).

1.0 FCE - Logic Requirement: Philosophy 279 or 377, and Philosophy 379;

0.5 FCE - Ethics Requirement: One of Philosophy 249, 329, 349, or Business and Environment 561;

3.5 FCE - Taken from the field of Computer Science: two numbered 500 or above, and one and one-half numbered 400 or above;

4.5 FCE - Non-CPSC Requirement: Options that are not in the field of Computer Science

2.0 FCE - Options.

Note 1: Courses used to satisfy the above Logic Requirement, Ethics Requirement and Non-CPSC Requirement must include at least four FCE chosen from the Faculties of Communication and Culture, Humanities, Fine Arts, Social Sciences, or the Haskayne School of Business. Of these four FCE, students must take at least one FCE in each of at least two of the aforementioned Faculties.

The four FCE from other faculties may not be chosen from the courses listed in Table I in 3.4 Program Requirements.

Note 2: Mathematics 321 has one of Mathematics 253, 263, 283 or Applied Mathematics 219 as a prerequisite.

Note 3: Science 311 may be counted among the four FCE from other faculties.

Note 4: The Department offers several concentrations that can provide focus on specific areas of computer science. Students interested in these concentrations need to choose their options, including the options taken in the first two years of the program, carefully to fulfill the concentration requirements.

Required Courses - BA Major Program

1.0 FCE - One of the following three sets of courses:

2.5 FCE - Computer Science 265 or 355, 331, 349 or 449, 441, and 481;

0.5 FCE - One of Software Engineering 301 or Computer Science 301;

1.5 FCE - One of Mathematics 211, 213 or 221, one of Mathematics 249, 251 or 281, and one of Mathematics 271 or 273;

1.0 FCE - Logic Requirement: One of Philosophy 279 or 377 and 379;

0.5 FCE - Ethics Requirement: One of Philosophy 249, 329, 349, or Business and Environment 561 (see note 1);

4.0 FCE - Taken from the field of Computer Science: one numbered 500 or above, two numbered 400 or above, and one numbered 300 or above;

8.0 FCE - Breadth Requirement: Non-Science options. These courses may not be chosen from the courses listed in Table I in 3.4 Program Requirements.

1.0 FCE - Options.

Note 1: Courses used to satisfy the above Logic Requirement, Ethics Requirement and Breadth Requirement must include at least four FCE chosen from the Faculties of Communication and Culture, Humanities, Fine Arts, Social Sciences, or the Haskayne School of Business. Of these four FCE, students must take at least one FCE in each of at least two of the aforementioned Faculties.

Note 2: Science 311 may be counted among the four FCE from other faculties.

  • Computer Science 101 and 102 are recommended but not required. These are offered during Block Weeks preceding the beginning of session, but may not be available in all years.
  • Students unable to take Philosophy 279 in first year may substitute Philosophy 377 and should take this course in the Fall of second year. Philosophy 379 is not required for a BSc in Computer Science but is recommended. This course is required for an Honours BSc in Computer Science and for a BA in Computer Science.
  • Communications Studies 363 is strongly recommended but not required. Students interested in taking a technical writing course who are unable to register in Communications Studies 363 should consider Science 311.
  • Courses offered by the Haskayne School of Business are often a good choice for non-science options for future software developers. Space permitting, and provided the Area Chair and Associate Dean (Undergraduate Affairs) in the Haskayne School of Business have given approval, registration in restricted Management Information Systems (MGIS) courses may be permitted. Consult the Undergraduate Programs Office in the Haskayne School of Business (Scurfield Hall 351) for details.
  • To ensure compliancy with CSAC accreditation breadth requirements, students should ensure that they complete five full course equivalents that are not in computer science or mathematics as part of their degree program, provided that program requirements allow for this course selection.
Recommended Program Sequence BSc (Majors and Honours)

Students interested in a specific concentration need to choose their computer science, science and non-science options according to the concentration requirements. This includes options taken in year 1 and 2 of the program.

First Year



Computer Science 101

Computer Science 231 or 217 or 235

Computer Science 233 or 219

Mathematics 211 or 213*

Mathematics 253 or 283 or Statistics 211 or option

Mathematics 249 or 251 or 281

Mathematics 271 or 273*

Philosophy 279



Non-science option

Second Year

Computer Science 102

Computer Science 331

Computer Science 313

Computer Science 355

Computer Science 325

Statistics 211 (if not done in first year) or Mathematics 321 or option

Software Engineering 301 or Computer Science 301

Philosophy 249 or 329 or 349 or Option

Philosophy 379**

Communications Studies 363 or Non-science option

Communications Studies 363 or Non-science option

Third Year

Computer Science 413

Computer Science 400-level option

Computer Science 449

Computer Science 400-level option

Computer Science 457

Computer Science 400-level option



Non-science option

Non-science option

Fourth Year

Computer Science 502 **

Computer Science 502 **

Computer Science 500-level option

Computer Science 500-level option

Computer Science 500-level option

300-level Computer Science


400-level Computer Science

Non-science option

Non-science option

*Students in Honours programs are advised to replace Mathematics 211 and 271 with Mathematics 273 and 213.

**Required for Honours program. Majors may substitute optional courses as their program and concentration allows.


Students may focus their program on one of seven areas of interest by including a specified set of courses, into their Major or Honours degree. Successful completion will mean that the area of concentration will appear on the transcript. The concentrations and course requirements are:

A. Concentration in Computer Game Design

B. Concentration in Software Engineering

Non-Functional Properties List: Software Engineering 531, Computer Science 425, 471, 481, 527, 528, 529, 559, Software Engineering 533.

Process and Management List: Software Engineering 421, 437, 471, 511, 515, 521, 523, Computer Science 531, 550.

Applied Development List: Software Engineering 513, Computer Science 411, 441, 453, 510, 567, 571, 585.

Business List: Economics 201 and courses offered by the Haskayne School of Business excluding Operations Management 411 and Management Information Systems 455.

Note: The Haskayne School of Business will consider waiving the prerequisites for senior courses (particularly Management Information Systems 463 and 465) on an individual request basis. Students should contact the particular Area Chair in the Haskayne School of Business regarding prerequisite waivers.

Note : Honours students interested in Software Engineering should consider the use of Computer Science 502.06 to complete the Honours requirement for Computer Science 502.

C. Concentration in Algorithms and Complexity Theory

Note: Honours students interested in Algorithms and Complexity should consider the use of Computer Science 502.02 to complete the Honours requirement for Computer Science 502.

D. Concentration in Scientific Computation

Note: Honours students interested in Scientific Computation should consider the use of Computer Science 502.05 to complete the Honours requirement for Computer Science 502.

E. Concentration in Programming Languages and Compilers

Note: Philosophy 379 is strongly recommended.

F. Concentration in Computer Graphics

Note: Honours students interested in Computer Graphics should consider the use of Computer Science 502.03 to complete the Honours requirement for Computer Science 502.

G. Concentration in Information Security

Note: Honours students interested in Information Security should consider the use of Computer Science 502.04 to complete the Honours requirement for Computer Science 502.