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Faculty of Science
1. Summary of Programs
2. Faculty Student Affairs
3. Faculty Regulations
4. Administration
5. Program Details
5.1 Biological Sciences
5.2 Chemistry
5.3 Computer Science
5.3.1 Programs in Computer Science
5.3.2 BSc Major and Honours in Computer Science Internship Programs
5.3.3 Double Major in Computer Science and General Mathematics
5.3.4 Combined Degree, BComm/BSc (Computer Science)
5.3.5 Combined Degree, BSc (Computer Science)/BSc (Biological Sciences)
5.3.6 Required Courses - Minor Program
5.4 Geoscience
5.5 Mathematics and Statistics
5.6 Non-Departmental Programs: Nanoscience, Natural Sciences, Neuroscience
5.7 Physics and Astronomy
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Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
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Summary of Changes
²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar 2009-2010 Faculty of Science 5. Program Details 5.3 Computer Science
5.3 Computer Science
Degrees Offered


Computer Science


BA Honours


BSc Honours


BSc Honours INTE






*Combined Degree with the Haskayne School of Business

**Combined Degree with the Faculty of Humanities or Social Sciences

Programs Offered

BSc and BSc Honours in Computer Science

BA and BA Honours in Computer Science

BSc and BSc Honours in Computer Science Internship

BSc and BComm in Computer Science and Business

BSc and BSc Honours in Computer Science and Biological Sciences

BSc Double Major in Computer Science and General Mathematics

Minor in Computer Science

Department vs. Faculty Regulations

Programs in the Department of Computer Science are governed by a combination of general Faculty of Science regulations and the additional program specific regulations listed below.

It is essential for students to be familiar with both sets of regulations. It is helpful to read the Faculty Regulations in Section 3 first.

Students should consult the Degree Navigator periodically to ensure that requirements are being met. Also, students are strongly urged to consult the Department at all stages of their program.

Department Information

Department Head: K.E. Barker

Department Office: ICT 602

Telephone: 403.220.6015

Undergraduate Advisor: ICT 602

Fax: 403.284.4707


Email: cpsc@cpsc.ucalgary.ca


Effective 2001, the B.Sc. and B.Sc. Honours degree programs have been accredited by the Computer Science Accreditation Council (CSAC) for Computer Science programs. Effective 2001, the B.Sc. degree program with Software Engineering Concentration and effective 2006 the B.Sc. Honours with Software Engineering Concentration have been accredited by the CSAC for Software Engineering programs.

The CSAC is sponsored by the Canadian Information Processing Society (http://). Its mandate is to ensure that accredited programs meet standards for education in Computer Science and Software Engineering.

Students who graduate from an accredited degree program are eligible for the Information Systems Professional (I.S.P.) designation after two years of professional experience. The I.S.P. designation is recognized as a professional designation under provincial law in most Canadian Provinces, including Alberta.

First Courses in Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science offers the following courses for students who are interested in an introduction to the discipline of computer science or who wish to use computers more effectively. Each of Computer Science 217, 231 and 235 is intended primarily for a group of students (with differing academic objectives) who are interested in an introduction to computer science that includes an introduction to programming and that is available for credit in computer science programs. The pace at which programming concepts are introduced also differs in each course.

  • Computer Science 217 is recommended for students wishing to combine studies in computer science with studies in other disciplines, or who are in programs other than computer science and who are interested in a course that includes an introduction to programming. Material related to computer science will be introduced at a pace that is appropriate for students who are unfamiliar with programming or scripting. On completion of Computer Science 217, students who are interested in computer science programs would continue by taking Computer Science 219. The latter course includes additional lectures in order to ensure that students in this course sequence are adequately prepared for senior courses in computer science.
  • Computer Science 231 is recommended for computer science majors. Material related to computer science will be introduced at a somewhat faster pace than in Computer Science 217. On completion of Computer Science 231, students who are interested in computer science programs would continue by taking Computer Science 233.
  • Computer Science 235 is a challenging course intended for exceptional students. This also includes an introduction to programming and it can be used in place of either Computer Science 217 and 219 or Computer Science 231 and 233 in requirements for computer science programs. Students completing Computer Science 235 will have additional flexibility when choosing options in computer science and may be able to complete courses that are required for computer science programs more rapidly than would otherwise be possible.
  • Computer Science 203 is recommended for students who are not in computer science programs and who are interested in a course that introduces computer system fundamentals and tools, including spreadsheets, and database applications. This course generally does not include an extensive introduction to programming and it is not available for credit for computer science majors or minors.
Advanced Placement in Computer Science

Students in International Baccalaureate (IB) and Advanced Placement (AP) programs may be eligible for advanced credit in Computer Science courses, including Computer Science 217 and 219 or 231 and 233. See the Undergraduate Admissions section of this Calendar (A.20 Alternatives to Regular Course Credit) for additional details.

Other students with backgrounds in Computer Science equivalent to Computer Science 231 or 231 and 233 may request advanced placement in Computer Science in order to have prerequisite requirements for these courses waived, after successful completion of an advanced placement examination. Interested students should see the Undergraduate Admissions section of this Calendar (A.20 Alternatives to Regular Course Credit) for additional details, and contact the Department of Computer Science to apply.