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Summary of Changes for the 2022/23 Calendar
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²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar 2022-2023 Summary of Changes for the 2022/23 Calendar Faculty of Science
Faculty of Science
Program Change

Faculty Regulations

Biological Sciences

Computer Science
  • Add Computer Science 304 as a course excluded from the Field of Computer Science
  • Add the new courses Computer Science 556 (Machine Learning in Biometric Security) and Computer Science 505 (Foundations of Access Control) to the course list in the Concentration in Information Security
  • Add the new course Computer Science 573 (Visualization and Analytics) to the course list in the Concentration in Visualization and Analytics
Data Science
Geoscience: Add Geology 376 as a course excluded from the Field of Geology

Mathematics and Statistics

  • Update "B. Concentration in Computational Applied Mathematics." The requirement of "6 units - Mathematics 367 and 376; or Mathematics 375 and 377" is replaced with "6 units - Mathematics 367; and Mathematics 375 or 376." (Applies to both BSc and Honours).
  • Update "B. Concentration in Computational Applied Mathematics." Remove Mathematics 355. (Applies to both BSc and Honours).
  • Update "C. Concentration in Mathematical Finance and Risk Management." The requirement of "6 units - Mathematics 367 and 376; or Mathematics 375 and 377" is replaced with "6 units - Mathematics 367; and Mathematics 375 or 376." (Applies to both BSc and Honours)
  • Update "C. Concentration in Mathematical Finance and Risk Management." Remove Mathematics 355. (Applies to both BSc and Honours).
  • Clarify list in Actuarial Science Minor to state, "Courses from the Field of Actuarial Science at the 400 level or higher" rather than, "All Actuarial Science courses; Statistics 421, 507, 533, 543"
  • Updates have been made to the suspended Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics and Statistics programs to reflect deleted courses (Mathematics 277 and 355).
  • Honours Program
  • Remove Neuroscience 421 as a specific program requirement.Reduce the number of units required from "Neuroscience 474, 475, 477, 478, 479, 521, 531" from 15 units to 12 units. Additionally, allow students to fulfill their 12 units with any combination of the listed courses, rather than requiring at least 3 units in each of the areas of Human Neuroscience, Biological Neuroscience or Behavioural Neuroscience.
  • Increase the number of Options from 21 units to 27 units.
  • Major Program
  • Remove Neuroscience 421 as a specific program requirement.
  • Remove the requirement of students needing at least 3 units in each of the areas of Human Neuroscience, Biological Neuroscience or Behavioural Neuroscience.
  • Increase the number of Options from 39 units to 42 units
  • Remove sentence "Students may not register in more than 60 units if they have not been admitted to a
  • concentration."
  • Remove Science 507 from the Field of Natural Sciences.
  • In both the BSc and Honours, remove note recommending students interested in Physics take the 70 series of calculus.
  • In both the BSc and Honours, remove requirement of "6 units of course work accompanied by a laboratory
  • component."
  • Add Computer Science 251 as a required course in the Computer Science Primary Concentration.
  • Reduce the number of units required in the Field of Computer Science from 18 units to 15 units in the Computer Science Primary Concentration.
  • Remove Physics 255 from the required courses in the Energy Science Primary Concentration. Physics 255 is long discontinued.
  • Change the requirement of "Energy and Environment, Engineering 355" to "Energy and Environment, Engineering 355 or Science 317." (Remove Science 317 from the 15 units of
  • energy science content).
  • Update the Geoscience Primary Concentration by removing discontinued courses (Geology 203 and 341) and note that is no longer relevant.
  • Replace Mathematics 375 with Mathematics 376 in the Mathematics Primary Concentration program requirements.
  • Revise the first 6 units from the Physics Primary Concentration to be in-line with the first year courses taken by Physics Majors (6 units - Physics 211 or 221 and 229).
  • Remove Physics 255 from the required courses in the Physics Primary Concentration.
  • Remove footnote stating that students can use courses in Astrophysics and clarify requirement by simply stating,"Course in the Field of Physics or the Field of Astrophysics."
  • Replace the "Field of General Mathematics" with the "Field of Mathematics" in the Mathematics Secondary
  • Concentration.
  • Update the requirement of "3 units - English literature" to "3 units - English or French literature."

Physics and Astronomy: Remove references to Mathematics 377.

Deleted Courses
  • Geology 471 (changed to 376)
  • Geology 543
  • Mathematics 355
  • Mathematics 377
  • Mathematics 403
  • Mathematics 433
  • Mathematics 447
  • Mathematics 595
Modified Courses Geology 201: Revise antirequisite
Geology 313: Revise prerequisite
Geology 337: Revise prerequisite
Geology 338: Revise prerequisite
Geology 353: Revise prerequisite
Geology 381: Revise prerequisite
Geology 401: Revise prerequisite
Geology 435: Revise prerequisite
Geology 441: Revise prerequisite
Geology 463: Revise prerequisite
Geology 475: Revise prerequisite
Geology 483: Revise prerequisite
Geology 527: Revise prerequisite, notes
Geology 535: Revise prerequisite
Geology 541: Revise notes
Geology 545: Revise prerequisite, description
Geology 571: Revise prerequisite
Geology 579: Revise prerequisite
Geology 587: Revise prerequisite
Geophysics 419: Revise prerequisite
Geophysics 420: Revise prerequisite
Geophysics 549: Revise prerequisite
Mathematics 322: Revise title, description, prerequisite
Mathematics 325: Revise prerequisite
Mathematics 361: Revise title
Mathematics 367: Revise antirequisite
Mathematics 375: Revise antirequisite
Mathematics 376: Revise antirequisite
Mathematics 413: Revise prerequisite
Mathematics 445: Revise prerequisite
Mathematics 476: Revise prerequisite
Mathematics 493: Revise prerequisite
Mathematics 511: Revise prerequisite, antirequisite
Mathematics 527 : Revise antirequisite
Mathematics 581: Revise antirequisite
Mathematics 583: Revise antirequisite
Statistics 321: Revise antirequisite
Statistics 323: Revise antirequisite
Statistics 517: Revise antirequisite
Statistics 533: Revise prerequisite
Physics 227: Revise antirequisite
Physics 397: Revise prerequisite
Physics 435: Revise prerequisite
Physics 443: Revise prerequisite
Physics 449: Revise prerequisite
Physics 455: Revise prerequisite
Physics 481: Revise prerequisite
Physics 501: Revise prerequisite
Physics 543: Revise prerequisite
Physics 577: Revise prerequisite