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²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar 2023-2024 Academic Regulations E. Course Information E.1 Course Outlines
E.1 Course Outlines

Every course is required to have a course outline that provides the overall structure and requirements of a course and informs students about the kinds of learning experiences and learning outcomes they can expect. Course outlines also serve as a reference and resource in processes such as curriculum review, accreditation, program development and academic advising. Course outlines are to be submitted to Department Heads/Deans for approval and to confirm that the elements listed below are included. Any required course activities scheduled outside of course hours must be indicated and approved by the Dean. The Department Head/Dean is required to ensure that the course content, dates and times correspond with the calendar description and required GFC hours.

Each instructor responsible for a course is required to make the approved course outline available to their students. Normally, a copy of the course outline will be made available to students on first day of the term and no later than the first scheduled day of the course. It is expected that the course outline (or in the case of clinical and professional practice-based courses, a faculty–approved alternate document) will be available as a web-based document or through the learning management system (i.e. Desire2Learn). If it is not, a copy of the outline will be emailed to students through the class list. In exceptional cases, changes to the course outline may be made after the first meeting date of the course with approval from the Dean or their designate.

In addition to the required general information (number and title of course, name of the instructor, day, place and time of regular classes) each course outline must contain the following:

(a) Course Information

  • Course objectives/learning outcomes of the course
  • Required (and recommended) textbooks, readings, materials including electronic resources
  • Required access to technology, including hardware and software ()
  • If applicable, a list and description of approved optional fees or mandatory supplementary fees for courses
  • If applicable, dates, times and locations of all approved class activities scheduled outside of regular course hours
  • If applicable, dates, times, locations and referral to the student centre for unique and binding drop/withdraw deadlines for courses that have been approved to run outside of regular term dates

(b) Assessment and Evaluation Information

Assessment Components and Grading Schemes

  • Information on assessment methods
  • If applicable, the letter grade conversion scale
  • A list of all the assessments in the course and the weights assigned to these assessment components used in determining the final grade, including, when possible, dates and deadlines. Assessment weighting may not be changed without approval from the Dean
  • If applicable, whether a passing grade on any particular component of a course is essential if the student is to pass the course as a whole
  • Information on what students should do if they miss a required component of the course


  • If there is a final exam in the course. The dates, times and locations of final exams are scheduled by the Registrar during the final exam period
  • If a midterm or final examination is held, whether the use of aids such as textbooks, course notes or electronic devices are permitted
  • If applicable, information on any exceptions to the Examination and Tests regulations as approved by the Dean

(c) Course Policies and Procedures

  • Information on academic misconduct and the consequences thereof
  • Information on instructor intellectual property
  • Information regarding the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and how this impacts the receipt and delivery of course material
  • If applicable, the following must be noted:
    • a statement that students in the course may be expected to participate as subjects or researchers when research on human subjects may take place;
    • a statement requiring students to obtain research ethics approval;
    • a statement that students may be audio or video recorded for lesson capture, assessment of student learning, and/or self-assessment of teaching practices;
  • Information about Academic Accommodations

It is the student’s responsibility to request academic accommodations according to the University policies and procedures listed below. The student accommodation policy can be found at: .

Students needing an accommodation because of a disability or medical condition should communicate this need to Student Accessibility Services in accordance with the Procedure for Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: ucalgary.ca/legal-services/sites/default/files/teams/1/Policies-Accommodation-for-Students-with-Disabilities-Procedure.pdf.

Students needing an accommodation in relation to their coursework or to fulfil requirements for a graduate degree, based on a Protected Ground other than Disability, should communicate this need, preferably in writing, to their Instructor or the Department Head/Dean or to the designated contact person in their Faculty.

The course outline should clearly list the appropriate contact person(s) and their contact details.

(d) Copyright Legislation

All students are required to read the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ policy on Acceptable Use of Material Protected by Copyright () and requirements of the copyright act () to ensure they are aware of the consequences of unauthorized sharing of course materials (including instructor notes, electronic versions of textbooks etc.). Students who use material protected by copyright in violation of this policy may be disciplined under the Non-Academic Misconduct Policy.

(e) Support and Resources

A link to required information that is not course-specific related to student wellness and safety resources, can be found on the Office of the Registrar's website: ucalgary.ca/registrar/registration/course-outlines.

Additional resources for the development of course outlines are available through the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning: .