For more information about these courses see the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine website: .
Veterinary Medicine
Clinical Presentations I
A series of integrated clinical presentations applied to a range of problems faced in veterinary medicine in individuals, groups, and populations of animals. Students develop analytic and non-analytic diagnostic reasoning skills, and use foundational knowledge from discipline courses to help understand clinical presentations.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(3 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Clinical Skills I
A series of clinically-oriented learning experiences aimed at developing competence in individual animal and herd physical examinations and reporting. Students develop basic skill sets in clinical intervention, patient management, and disease prevention. Experience is gained in diagnostic procedures.
Course Hours:
(0-6)(5 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Professional Skills I
Professionalism, applied economics and business, clinical communication skills, ethics and jurisdiction, and research in veterinary medicine are explored. Students will begin to formulate competencies in these areas and in stewardship, clinical reasoning and small business management. The concepts of the healthy veterinarian and self-management are introduced.
Course Hours:
(1.5-1.5)(3 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Anatomy and Histology
Provides a foundation in comparative anatomy of production and companion animals. Histology and embryology are integrated throughout. Guided and task-driven dissections are supplemented with pro-sections of live animals, and medical imagery. Clinically relevant structures and the three-dimensional relationships of organs are emphasized.
Course Hours:
(1-4)(5 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Provides a foundation in fundamental and comparative physiological concepts for each body system. Physiological concepts are reinforced through clinical presentations of production and companion animals. Emphasis placed upon formulating how, and why, a disturbance affecting one particular body system manifests in a particular way.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(3.5 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Animal Behaviour and Welfare
Fundamental concepts of behaviour and welfare are examined. Emphasis is placed on understanding normal and abnormal behaviour, and the effects of husbandry practices on behaviour and welfare of production and companion animals. Wildlife behaviour, particularly at the interface with human activities, is addressed. Legislations and societal changes regarding animal welfare are discussed.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(1.5 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Animals, Health, and Society
Roles of veterinarians in promoting, and contributing to, animal, human and ecosystem health are discussed. Emphasis is placed on determinants of health, and the interactions of animals, humans and the environment. Demonstrates how laws, policies and management decisions are applied to foster healthy animals, ecosystems and human-animal interactions.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(1.5 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Genetics and Molecular Biology
Fundamental concepts of genetics and molecular biology are explored in the context of cellular biology and animal health. Applications of molecular biology tools in veterinary medicine are addressed. Relevant examples from veterinary medicine are used to explain foundation principles.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(1 credit)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Pathologic Basis of Disease
Morphologic and functional changes in cells, tissues and organs as a result of disease are discussed. Students are introduced to safe, systematic approaches to performing post-mortem examinations and learn to recognize and describe common gross and microscopic lesions using appropriate medical terminology. Emphasis is placed on the understanding of basic disease mechanisms.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(1.5 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Students will gain a working knowledge of the immune system and its role in health and disease. Emphasis is placed on achieving an understanding of major immunological concepts and vaccinology and their implications in veterinary medicine.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(1.5 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Principles of Epidemiology
Introduction to epidemiological concepts including types of epidemiologic studies, measures of disease frequency and association, epidemic and infectious disease dynamics, principles of evidence-based medicine, and the relationships between population and individual animal medicine. Provides foundational skills relevant to population medicine.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(0.75 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Introduction to Nutrition
Presents fundamental concepts pertaining to function, metabolism, requirements, and sources of nutrients and energy for production and companion animals. Feeds and ingredients used in animal diets are also examined.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(0.75 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Introduction to Veterinary Medicine
Students explore how people associate with animals, the issues that arise from these associations and the roles that veterinarians play in these contexts. Students observe animals as companions, in sport, for food, and in research. The structure and function of the major livestock industries and the roles that veterinarians occupy within those industries are examined.
Course Hours:
(40-54 hours)(2 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Clinical Presentations II
Building on Veterinary Medicine 300, students continue to develop analytic and non-analytic diagnostic reasoning skills. These skills include developing schemata and differential diagnoses lists, making decisions about using appropriate diagnostic tests, interpreting and integrating data from those tests, and using foundational knowledge to diagnose common clinical presentations.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(3 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Clinical Skills II
Building on Veterinary Medicine 305, students develop skills in basic surgical principles, clinical examination of relevant body systems, clinical and anatomic pathology, and parasitology. Students also gain hands-on experience in practical clinical intervention, case management, and disease prevention.
Course Hours:
(0-6)(5 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Professional Skills II
Building on Veterinary Medicine 307, professional skills competencies and knowledge are enhanced with additional focus on small business management skills, relationship-centered practice and self-care. Legal issues regarding veterinary practice are discussed. Research and informatics skills are used to identify knowledge gaps, generate testable hypotheses, and design experiments.
Course Hours:
(1.5-1.5)(3 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Basic Surgical Principles
A comprehensive introduction to general veterinary surgery principles across species. Provides students with a foundation in the basic principles of soft tissue and orthopedic surgery that can then be used to develop their hands-on surgical skills.
Course Hours:
(33 hours)(1.5 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Health Management
Building on Veterinary Medicine 344, introduces additional epidemiological concepts used in veterinary medicine. These concepts include appropriate use and choice of diagnostic tests, developing a structured approach for investigating disease outbreaks, exploring strategies and effectiveness for treating and controlling disease, and developing evidence-based protocols.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(1.5 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Fundamental knowledge on the nature of viruses and prions are imparted through clinical, cellular and molecular analysis of important diseases of animals and, if inter-transmissible, humans. Students learn to develop diagnostic plans and understand principles of laboratory diagnostic testing. Implementation of intervention measures for viral and prion infections and diseases are discussed.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(1.5 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Introduction to fundamental principles of bacteriology, and bacterial diseases of domestic animals. Provides an understanding of how bacteria interact with the environment and the animal host, and how bacterial virulence mechanisms lead to animal diseases. Diagnosis of bacterial infections, and matching of appropriate preventive and control measures with different pathogens are discussed.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(1.5 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Introduction to fundamental principles of parasitism in domestic and wild animals. Emphasis is placed on understanding the occurrence, transmission and impacts of parasites, and diagnosis of parasitic diseases of clinical, trade, and zoonotic importance in North America.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(1.5 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Systemic Pathology
Using a species-specific approach to review common disease conditions. Students identify and describe common gross and microscopic lesions and formulate a morphologic diagnosis. Disease pathogenesis, tissue sampling, sample submission, and the value of ancillary diagnostic testing, and communicating post-mortem findings are emphasized.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(3 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
One Health and Veterinary Practice
Students will use a One Health approach to explore key issues at the interface of humans, animals and the environment. Students will integrate information, apply critical thinking skills to manage risks and develop prevention and control strategies for zoonoses and antimicrobial resistance; enhance food production, food safety and animal welfare; and protect the environment.
Course Hours:
(33 hours)(1.5 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Clinical Pathology
Students develop a systematic approach to the use, evaluation and correct interpretation of routine clinical pathology tests. Integration of laboratory results with the patient's clinical presentation is emphasized. Correct interpretation of routine laboratory tests, communication of results, and appropriate integration of lab tests into decision-making in daily practice are covered.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(1.5 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
Effective and safe use of drugs in veterinary medicine. Basic principles of pharmacology, including mechanisms of action, for the major drug classes. Clinical toxicology principles that apply to common poisonings and adverse drug reactions.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(1.5 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Diagnostic Imaging
Introduction to principles and uses of common diagnostic imaging modalities. The theoretical basis behind each imaging technology, the acquisition of quality images, and the ability to interpret and describe normal and abnormal findings are emphasized. Control measures for working safely with diagnostic imaging equipment are examined.
Course Hours:
(33 hours)(1.5 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Outbreak Investigation
Building on Veterinary Medicine 420, students further develop the framework for investigating outbreaks of disease. Students investigate a series of simulated outbreaks, applying steps to determine whether an outbreak exists, establishing a case definition, describing the epidemiology of the disease, generating and testing hypotheses, and communicating their findings.
Course Hours:
(27 hours)(0.75 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Foreign Animal Disease
Students work through a simulation of an incursion of foreign animal disease into Canada. The simulation and background gives students experience working with disease surveillance, case identification, emergency preparedness, and the role of public practice veterinarians in maintaining the safety of Canadian livestock.
Course Hours:
(27 hours)(0.75 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Career Options and Field Experiences in Veterinary Medicine
Students are exposed to career options in clinical and non-clinical veterinary medicine.
Course Hours:
(27 hours)(1 credit)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Applied Nutrition
Core concepts pertaining to nutritional requirements, feeding regimes, and nutritional disorders in production and companion animals are examined. Feeding management of exotic animals is also discussed. Emphasis is placed on practical application of nutritional concepts in production and companion animals.
Course Hours:
(33 hours)(1.5 credit)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Clinical Presentations III
Building on Veterinary Medicine 300 and 400, students continue their development of diagnostic reasoning skills and problem management in veterinary medicine. Students synthesize comprehensive treatment plans that take into account therapeutic approaches, outcomes, feasibility, economics, client expectations, compliance, public health, regulations, and the environment.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(2.75 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Clinical Skills III
Building on Veterinary Medicine 305 and 405, students gain experience in clinical evaluations, routine anaesthesia and surgery. Diagnostic and therapeutic skills, practical clinical intervention, case management, and disease prevention knowledge and skills are further developed.
Course Hours:
(0-6)(7 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Investigative Veterinary Medicine and Science Communication
Building on first and second year training in investigative medicine, students will have the opportunity to answer a real-world veterinary question while working under the guidance of faculty mentors. Based on their interests, students will choose from conducting a literature review on a controversial topic in veterinary medicine, analysis and preparation of existing data for publication, or preparation/planning for participation in a fourth year Investigative Medicine rotation. Principles and application of evidence-based medicine, critical thinking and effective communication of science to stakeholder groups will be emphasized.
Course Hours:
(1.5-1.5)(1.5 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Professional Skills III
Building on Veterinary Medicine 307 and 407, students will develop professional skills necessary for dealing with challenging issues in veterinary medicine. The concept of the healthy veterinarian and self-management will be expanded.
Course Hours:
(1.5-1.5)(1.5 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Equine Medicine and Surgery
Prepares students for general equine practice by providing the foundational knowledge needed for diagnosing and treating common equine diseases using medical or surgical approaches. Emphasizes the importance of professional conduct in the context of equine practice and promotes life-long continuing education.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(2.50 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Small Animal Medicine and Surgery
Prepares students for small animal practice by providing the foundational knowledge needed for diagnosing and treating common diseases in cats and dogs using medical or surgical approaches. Promotes practices that comply with animal welfare professional conduct.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(2.50 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Anaesthesiology and Therapeutics
Introduction to the principals and practice of veterinary anaesthesiology and therapeutics in production, companion and exotic animals, and the practical application of clinical pharmacology. Focus on local and general anaesthesia for low risk animals and on therapeutic decisions, drug selection, and drug delivery.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(1.5 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Advanced Health Management
Provides an overview of diagnosing, managing, and preventing common disorders that occur at a population level. Emphasis is placed upon application of evidence-based medicine to make a herd diagnosis and control, and prevent the problem. Health programs and animal welfare assessment for production and companion animals are explored.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(2 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Selected Topics in Clinical Medicine
Prepares students for clinical practice by providing the foundational knowledge needed for diagnosing and treating oncologic, ophthalmic and dermatological diseases in production and companion animals.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(0.75 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Selected Topics in Small Ruminant, South American Camelid and Non-traditional Livestock Production
Selected medical, surgical and reproductive diseases of small ruminants, South American camelids and non-traditional livestock.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(0.75 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Food Animal Medicine and Surgery
Prepares students for general food animal practice by providing the foundational knowledge needed for diagnosing, treating and preventing common diseases using medical or surgical approaches. Promotes practices that comply with animal welfare and professional conduct.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(2 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Provides knowledge and skills to develop clinical competence in managing the reproductive health of production and companion animals. Students integrate knowledge from various disciplines to diagnose and manage clinical issues pertaining to the reproductive health of animals on an individual animal or herd basis.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(1.5 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Emergency and Critical Care
Veterinary emergency and critical care, with emphasis on how to recognize and implement therapy in the unstable patient.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(0.75 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Zoological Medicine
Provides the foundational knowledge needed for diagnosing, treating and preventing common diseases in non-traditional companion animal and wildlife species.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(0.75 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Laboratory Animal Medicine
Provides an introduction to laboratory animal medicine and disease, roles of the laboratory animal veterinarian and animal care committees, and the involvement of animals in research and teaching.
Course Hours:
(3-0)(0.75 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Diagnostics and Therapeutics
Required for entering general veterinary practice. Students must successfully complete rotations in laboratory diagnostics, pathology, diagnostic imaging and other disciplines.
Course Hours:
(4-8 weeks)(10 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
General Veterinary Practice
Required for entering general veterinary practice. Students must successfully complete clinical rotations in general veterinary practice at sites located within the Distributed Veterinary Learning Community.
Course Hours:
(12-18 weeks)(15 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Veterinary Medicine
Clinical Enrichment
Students choose elective rotations from a range of practicum experiences in veterinary medicine in order to expand or deepen their knowledge and skills.
Course Hours:
(18-24 weeks)(15 credits)
Admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program.
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Graduate Courses
For more information about these courses, see Veterinary Medical Sciences Graduate Program: .
Enrolment in these courses is not open to DVM students.
Veterinary Medicine
Professional Skills in Health Science Research
Includes a series of workshops focusing on skills essential for success in health science research. Topics include: Research Integrity; Ethics; Grants and Grant Writing; Verbal and Written Communication of Research Findings; Career Development; and Career Options in the Health Sciences.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Consent of the Faculty.
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Veterinary Medicine
Wildlife Health and Disease Ecology
Ecological, epidemiological, and evolutionary principles needed to understand the determinants of health and diseases on wildlife populations, and their link to global changes, agriculture, public health, and conservation. Fundamental concepts in epidemiology and disease ecology will be presented as well as contemporary emerging issues in disease ecology. Using ‘case studies’, lectures, discussions, examples, and activities, material will cover the etiology, pathology, and impact of a wide variety of wildlife diseases. The course will also cover the principles underlying a shift from disease-centered to health-centered approaches, and concepts of wildlife health ecology and management will be explored.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
This course is suitable for any graduate student with an undergraduate degree in biology or veterinary sciences.
Also known as:
(formerly Veterinary Medicine 690.44 Wildlife Health and Disease Ecology)
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Veterinary Medicine
Experiential Learning in Wildlife Health Ecology
Experiential learning or research experience tailored to the unique goals or career path of the student. Involvement with the Distributed Wildlife Learning Community (DWLC) to broaden, extend, and deepen learning by integrating wildlife health ecology theory with practical application of knowledge.
Course Hours:
3 units; (140 hours)
Admission to the Master’s program in Veterinary Medical Sciences with a Specialization in Wildlife Health and Ecology.
Credit for Veterinary Medicine 604 and 690.44 (Wildlife Health and Disease Ecology) will not be allowed.
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Veterinary Medicine
Introduction to Biostastical Methods
Analysis and design of research related to biological sciences. Emphasis is placed upon formulating good research questions, evaluating the appropriateness of different statistical methods for analyzing results, and performing and interpreting such statistical analyses. Statistical analyses will be carried out using modern statistical software.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-1T)
Consent of the Faculty.
Also known as:
(Community Health Sciences 605)
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Veterinary Medicine
Seminar in Wildlife Health and Ecology I
Exposure to a variety of Wildlife Health Ecology (WHE) research topics, projects, and activities. Students will develop their presentation skills by presenting on their research and expanding their critical thinking through discussions of WHE topics presented at seminars or research meetings.
Course Hours:
1.5 units; (1.5S-0)
Admission to the Master’s program in Veterinary Medical Sciences with a Specialization in Wildlife Health and Ecology.
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Veterinary Medicine
Seminar in Wildlife Health and Ecology II
Exposure to a variety of Wildlife Health Ecology (WHE) research topics, projects, and activities. Students will develop their presentation skills by presenting on their research and expanding their critical thinking through discussions of WHE topics presented at seminars or research meetings.
Course Hours:
1.5 units; (1.5S-0)
Veterinary Medicine 606 and admission to the Master's program in Veterinary Medical Sciences with a Specialization in Wildlife Health and Ecology.
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Veterinary Medicine
Biostatistics I: Essentials of Biostatistics
Introduces the fundamental concepts of summarizing data and statistical inference, including graphical displays, hypothesis testing, p-values, and confidence intervals. Specific topics include comparisons of means and proportions, non-parametric tests, correlation and regression, confounding, sample size determination, and power calculations. Additional topics include a brief introduction to analysis of variance and covariance, logistic regression, and analysis of time-to-event data. Students gain hands-on experience analysing data using STATA statistical software. Although this course uses STATA exclusively, much of the technical knowledge and some of the computing techniques are applicable to any statistical package.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2T)
Admission to the Veterinary Medical Sciences graduate program.
Also known as:
(Community Health Sciences 610)
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Veterinary Medicine
Biostatistics II: Models for Health Outcomes
Extends the fundamental concepts to modelling health outcomes using modern regression analysis techniques. Logistic and linear regressions, and their extensions, are covered in detail. The rationale, formulation, and statistical assumptions underlying each regression technique are discussed. Methods for selecting and assessing models are included. Additional topics include a brief introduction to models used in the analysis of repeated measures, longitudinal studies, and time-to-event data.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2T)
Veterinary Medicine 610.
Also known as:
(Community Health Sciences 611)
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Veterinary Medicine
Animal Health Policy
Develop student’s ability to apply principles of quantitative analysis and policy to guided analysis of production animal health policy as well as development of a research project proposal in animal health policy. The proposal will include: formulation of hypothesis and testable policy research questions; consideration of policy research methods; basic experimental design incorporating appropriate (e.g., epidemiology, economic) analysis; and outline for policy analysis of results.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
3 units in statistics, epidemiology, or related subject, and consent of the instructor.
Also known as:
(formerly Veterinary Medicine 690.03 Animal Health Policy)
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Veterinary Medicine
Fundamentals of Epidemiology
Principles and methods of descriptive and analytic epidemiology. Emphasizes the underlying concepts and approaches of epidemiological research and critical appraisal of epidemiologic studies including: observational study designs and their vulnerabilities to bias, measures of frequency and association, basic methods for addressing sampling variability, confounding, and effect modification. Concepts related to causal judgment in epidemiology are also introduced.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2T)
Admission to the Veterinary Medical Sciences graduate program or consent of the Faculty.
Veterinary Medicine 610.
Not available to Open Studies students.
Also known as:
(Community Health Sciences 640)
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Veterinary Medicine
Advanced Virology
A series of lectures and discussions about current topics in virology. The lectures will be delivered by researchers working on aspects of molecular virology, virus-host interactions, and clinical virology, both from the veterinary and human field. One theme will be discussed during each session and students are expected to prepare presentations about virological topics and participate in the critical evaluation of journal articles.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3/2-0)
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Veterinary Medicine
Molecular Epidemiology and Evolution
Introduction to the evaluation of sequence data of bacteria, parasites, and viruses. Students will obtain background knowledge on the evolution of pathogens, the generation of sequence data, the evaluation of this data and directions for further study in this field. The course is a combination of lectures/workshops, self-study exercises, computer practices, and critical evaluation of research papers.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3/2-0)
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Veterinary Medicine
Directed Study
Lectures, seminars, term papers and/or other training directed to one or only a few students in theoretical and/or laboratory methods at the advanced level in veterinary medical sciences. These courses are offered when no other suitable alternatives are available.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Consent of the Faculty.
An approval form may be obtained from the Office of Research and Graduate Education, and must be signed by the VMS Graduate Program Director before a student can register.
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Veterinary Medicine
Advanced Topics in Reproductive Health
A series of topics, ranging from basic sciences to clinical topics (including ethical issues) to increase awareness and comprehension regarding current issues in reproductive health.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Consent of course co-ordinator and student’s supervisor, if applicable.
Research interest in reproductive health/reproductive biology.
Also known as:
(Medical Science 701)
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Veterinary Medicine
Advanced Topics in Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
Provides a comprehensive overview of stem cell biology in the context of embryonic development and adult tissue maintenance. Students will gain an appreciation for embryonic versus adult stem cells and how these pluripotent or multipotent cells may be utilized in regenerative medicine (i.e. treatment of congenital defects, diseases or injury).
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the VMS graduate program or consent of the instructor.
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Veterinary Medicine
Experiential Learning in Veterinary Medical Sciences
Experiential learning or research experience tailored to the unique goals or career path of the student. Involvement with the Distributed Wildlife Learning Community (DWLC) to broaden, extend, and deepen learning by integrating wildlife health ecology theory with practical application of knowledge.
Course Hours:
3 units; (140 hours)
Admission to the Doctoral program in Veterinary Medical Sciences with a Specialization in Wildlife Health and Ecology.
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Veterinary Medicine
Seminar in Wildlife Health and Ecology III
Exposure to a variety of Wildlife Health Ecology (WHE) research topics, projects, and activities. Students will develop their presentation skills by presenting on their research and expanding their critical thinking through discussions of WHE topics presented at seminars or research meetings.
Course Hours:
1.5 units (1.5S-0)
Admission to the Doctoral program in Veterinary Medical Sciences with a Specialization in Wildlife Health and Ecology.
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Veterinary Medicine
Seminar in Wildlife Health and Ecology IV
Exposure to a variety of Wildlife Health Ecology (WHE) research topics, projects, and activities. Students will develop their presentation skills by presenting on their research and expanding their critical thinking through discussions of WHE topics presented at seminars or research meetings.
Course Hours:
1.5 units (1.5S-0)
Veterinary Medicine 706 and admission to the Doctoral program in Veterinary Medical Sciences with a Specialization in Wildlife Health and Ecology.
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Veterinary Medicine
Wildlife Parasitology: Principles and Techniques
Students will learn about the ecology of parasites in wildlife populations with emphasis on impacts of parasitism, invasive species, and conservation issues. This is taught through a series of seminars, critical evaluation and discussion of the literature, and independent and group projects. Laboratory sessions include on parasitology techniques for surveillance and research.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Consent of the instructor.
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Veterinary Medicine
Advanced Epidemiology
An expansion on the understanding of causality and threats to validity in epidemiologic research. The focus will be on the assessment and control of bias, including selection, information and confounding. The concept of effect modification (interaction) will be appraised. Stratified analysis will be considered as a tool for the assessment and control of confounding and effect modification and will be applied to a variety of study designs including case-control, and cohort studies.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2T)
Veterinary Medicine 640 or consent of the Faculty.
Also known as:
(Community Health Sciences 740)
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