ݮƵ : Medicine, Biomedical Technology MDBT


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About the ݮƵ
Graduate Studies Calendar 2012-2013 Program Descriptions Medicine Programs Medicine, Biomedical Technology MDBT
Medicine, Biomedical Technology MDBT
Contact Information

Location: Health Sciences Centre, Room G329
Faculty number: 403.220.8306
Fax: 403.210.8109
E-mail address: mbtgrad@ucalgary.ca
Web page URL:

1. Degrees and Specializations Offered

Master of Biomedical Technology (MBT), course-based

This interdisciplinary program combines courses in basic biomedical sciences (covering genetics, biochemistry, cell biology, physiology, immunology, microbiology, and pharmacology) with training in business aspects such as scientific, market, patent & financial analysis.

The Master of Biomedical Technology Graduate Program and the Haskayne School of Business offer a combined MBT/MBA program. Contact the Graduate Science Education Office for further information.

2. Admission Requirements

In addition to the Faculties of Graduate Studies and Medicine requirements, the program requires:

a) Normally, a four year Bachelor of Science degree in biological sciences, or its equivalent.

b) For students required to provide proof of proficiency in English, a TOEFL score of 600 (written), or 250 (computer based), or 100 (Internet-based), or IELTS score of 7.5, or MELAB test score of 84, or a PTE score of 70.

c) Two reference letters and corresponding reference forms.

d) A current resume and a personal statement (no more than one page in length) outlining career goals, and how the MBT program will help achieve them.

e) A personal statement (no more than one page in length) outlining career goals, and how the MBT program will help achieve them.

3. Application Deadline

Deadline for the submission of completed applications for September admission:

June 1 for Canadian citizens and permanent residents, and
April 15 for applicants attending on a study visa

4. Advanced Credit

See”Medicine Programs”. In consultation with the graduate program Graduate Program Director, advanced credit may be requested in accordance with Faculty of Graduate Studies regulations.

5. Program/Course Requirements

In addition to the Faculties of Graduate Studies and Medicine requirements, the program requires all MBT students to successfully complete eleven half-course equivalents:

1. Medical Science 672: Biotechnology Business Aspects (3 credits - runs over Fall and Winter)

2. Medical Science 673: Biomedical Technology Careers (3 credits - runs over Fall and Winter)

3-4. Medical Science 674.01: Physiological and Pharmacological Aspects of Therapeutics Development (6 credits - runs over Fall and Winter)

5-6. Medical Science 674.02: Molecular, Cellular and Immunological Biotechnology (6 credits - runs over Fall and Winter)

7. Medical Science 669: Clinical Trials and Bio-Manufacturing (3 credits - runs over Fall and Winter)

8. Medical Science 678: Project in Biomedical Technology (3 credits - runs over Fall and Winter)

9. Medical Science 668: Biotechnology Commercialization (3 credits - runs over Winter)

10-11. Medical Science 670: Practicum in Biomedical Technology (6 credits - runs over Spring and Summer)

It is expected that MDBT students will successfully complete all Fall and Winter courses prior to beginning their practicum.

6. Additional Requirements

Suggested prerequisites: Genetics (Biology 311 or equivalent), Cell Biology (Biology 331 or equivalent, Biochemistry or macro molecules (Biochemistry 393 or equivalent).

Attendance at a Research Integrity Day workshop is required for all graduate students.

7. Credit for Undergraduate Courses


8. Time Limit

This program may be completed in one year on a full-time basis. It may also be completed on a part-time basis. Maximum completion time is six years.

9. Supervisory Assignments

The Graduate Program Director will serve as interim supervisor for all newly admitted students. In the MBT program, there is no official requirement for students to have a supervisor. We do recommend, however, that students have a faculty supervisor and/or a mentor from the business community.

See “Medicine Programs” for more information.

10. Required Examinations


11. Research Proposal Requirements


12. Special Registration Information


13. Financial Assistance


14. Other Information


15. Faculty Members/Research Interests
