Instruction offered by members of the Faculty of Medicine.
Students contemplating taking any of the undergraduate medical science courses are advised to contact the course co-ordinator(s) through the Undergraduate Sciences program office. Students contemplating taking any of the graduate-level (600- and up) Medical Science courses are advised to contact the course co-ordinator through the Graduate Science Education office.
Medical Science
Principles and Mechanisms of Pharmacology
Basic principles of pharmacology, with specific emphasis on receptor signaling mechanisms.
Course Hours:
Enrolment in the BHSc Honours program, Biochemistry 443, and one of Zoology 461, 463, or Medical Science 404, or consent of the Faculty.
Also known as:
(Biology 501)
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Medical Science
Pharmacology of Organ Systems
Pharmacology of the nervous, cardiovascular, renal and immune systems, as well as anti-cancer therapies. Principles of toxicology.
Course Hours:
Medical Science 501 (Biology 501) or consent of the Faculty.
Also known as:
(Biology 503)
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Medical Science
Special Problems in Medical Science
Lectures, seminars, term papers and training in theoretical and/or laboratory methods. After consultation with a faculty member who will supervise the chosen problem, an approval form obtained from the BHSc Office must be signed by the Associate Dean (USE) before a student can be registered.
Course Hours:
Consent of the BHSc Honours Department.
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Medical Science
Honours Thesis and Research Communication
Capstone research course in the BHSc to be conducted through any one of the basic research departments. Students would be expected to conduct research. Culminates with a Research Symposium Day during which students present and defend their research before an audience of peers and mentors, share their research with the faculty and staff at large through poster presentations and submit a written research thesis.
Course Hours:
Enrolment in the BHSc Honours program and Health and Society 408 or Medical Science 408 and a minimum cumulative 3.30 GPA or consent of the director.
This course is worth 2.0 FCE and is offered over two sessions.
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Medical Science
An introductory course to familiarize students with techniques used for protein identification and proteome analysis, including one and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, mass spectrometry and the databases and search engines used in the identification of expressed proteins.
Course Hours:
Biochemistry 443 and Medical Sciences 351 or Biology 331.
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Medical Science
Instrumental Analysis
An overview of the analytical laboratory instruments used in research and the diagnosis and treatment of human disease.
Course Hours:
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Medical Science
Cellular Mechanisms of Disease
The cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying basic human disease processes and how these can be influenced by lifestyle and environmental factors. The ways in which this knowledge can be used in the laboratory diagnosis of disease.
Course Hours:
Biochemistry 443 and one of Biology 331 or Medical Science 351.
Also known as:
(Biology 515)
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Medical Science
Introduction to Biotechnology Business and Profession
An overview of the biotechnology sector from several perspectives: product development, regulatory, intellectual property, market analysis, and finance. This course will include two modules. The first is a series of lectures by faculty and local entrepreneurs to provide the necessary background for the assignments in the second module. The second module will include student-selected case studies and an analysis of a small biotechnology company.
Course Hours:
Medical Science 351 or consent of the Instructor.
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Medical Science
Advanced Bioinformatics
Designed to develop student ability to perform bioinformatics analyses of datasets and develop their knowledge of the current literature. The course will emphasize careful study of recent methodologies for chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq) dataset analysis. The course will include lectures, literature review sessions and a self-directed bioinformatics research project.
Course Hours:
Medical Science 401 and at least one of Computer Science 217, 219, 231 or 233; or consent of instructor.
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Medical Science
Human Anatomy
An inquiry-based exploration of clinically significant human anatomy. The course will follow a systems-based approach, and will make use of multiple learning formats. Each week, the instructor will lead classroom and laboratory sessions that explore an anatomical system from developmental, functional, and clinical perspectives.
Course Hours:
Fourth year standing in the BHSc program or consent of the instructor.
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Medical Science
Independent Studies in Medical Science
Original and independent thought, practical research and the completion of written and oral reports. After consultation with a faculty member who will supervise the chosen problem, an approval form obtained from the BHSc Office must be signed by the Associate Dean (USE) before a student can be registered.
Course Hours:
Consent of the BHSc Department.
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Medical Science
Psychosocial Oncology
Focuses on developing the understanding in health care practitioners of the central concepts related to caring for cancer patients and their families.
Course Hours:
Consent of the instructor.
Credit for Medical Science 535 and 635 will not be allowed.
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Medical Science
Advanced Genetics I
Historical papers will illustrate the foundations of modern genetic principles. Topics including the chromosomal theory of inheritance, the role of pairing and recombination for chromosomal disjunction during meiosis, cytogenetics, the nature of dominant mutations, genetic screens and genetics analysis of developmental pathways. Material covered is drawn from model organisms and humans.
Course Hours:
Medical Science 341 or Biology 311 or consent of the instructor.
Lectures run concurrently with Medical Science 641.01.
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Medical Science
Advance Genetics II
An advanced course in molecular genetic analysis. Topics will vary from year to year, but may include identification of the structure, transmission, mutation and molecular pathology of human genes, the use of experimental organisms (chick, fish, fly, mouse, worm) to model human genetic diseases, and molecular studies of human populations and evolution. The focus will be upon applied molecular genetics with recurring emphasis on the theme of relevance to issues in health and society.
Course Hours:
Medical Science 341 or Biology 311, and Medical Science 402 or consent of the instructor.
Lectures run concurrently with Medical Science 641.03. Previous completion of Medical Science 541 is suggested but not required.
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Medical Science
Examine the strategies and techniques, including high-capacity DNA sequencing, used in genomic and genetic studies to discover the genes responsible for human diseases. Review how model systems are used to establish the functional consequences of mutant genes. Students can expect to gain a comprehensive understanding and broad appreciation of how to establish the significance of genomic information in context of rare and common human diseases, and its relevance to personalized medicine. Involves a combination of lectures, review of journal articles, student presentations and case studies.
Course Hours:
Medical Science 341 or Biology 311 or consent of the instructor.
Lectures run concurrently with Medical Science 641.04.
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Medical Science
Cancer Biology
Advances in methodology and in theoretical concepts have permitted continuing breakthroughs in our understanding of the organismal, cellular and molecular biology of cancer cells, and in the development of novel strategies for cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment. These advances will be presented in a comprehensive overview of cancer including issues of demographics and incidence, causation and detection, origins and progression and therapeutic approaches. Emphasis will be placed on the cell and molecular biology of cancer and on the interaction of the cancer cell with the host organism.
Course Hours:
Biochemistry 443, Medical Science 351 or Biology 331, and Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 411.
Also known as:
(Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 561)
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Medical Science
Advanced Topics in Pathogenic Microbiology
Provides a fuller understanding of bacterial diseases using a systems approach and illustrating key paradigms via the consideration of specific pathogens. Topics include: strategies for bacteria surviving host immune responses, bacterial invasion strategies, opportunistic infections, disease Pathogenesis, and antibiotic resistance, challenges of dealing with emerging infections. Lectures, small group interactive sessions, specified readings/
Course Hours:
Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 343 and 431.
Also known as:
(Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 565)
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Medical Science
Advanced Topics In Immunology
New and emerging themes in immunology, with an emphasis on disease processes such as inflammation in the gut, kidney and lung. Topics include: innate immunity, the inflammasome, sterile inflammation, process and mechanism of immune cell recruitment in different tissues, T cell biology, B cell biology, regulatory immune cells, mucosal immunity, airways responses to virus, mechanisms of food allergies, inflammatory bowel disease. Lectures, small group interactive sessions, specified readings.
Course Hours:
Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 527.
Also known as:
(Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 567)
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Medical Science
Biology of Laboratory Animals
Based on the Canadian Council of Animal Care Syllabus "Basic Principles of Laboratory Animal Science for Research Scientists." In addition to the study of common, research, farm and exotic animals, topics covered include ethical considerations, regulation and legislation, animal models, animal facilities and husbandry, hazard control, surgery, anaesthesiology, euthanasia and post-mortem examinations. Practical sessions will provide experience in handling and restraint of specific laboratory animals, injections, blood collection, anaesthesiology and surgery.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Faculty.
Enrolment in this course is restricted to graduate students who will do research utilizing animals.
Also known as:
(Biology 603)
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Medical Science
Integrative Human Physiology
Physiology is the study of how living organisms function and encompasses the integration of processes from molecules to the whole-organism. Designed to provide the student with fundamental principles and concepts about the normal function of the major human organ systems. At the end of this course, the student should be well equipped to apply his/her acquired knowledge to solve complex physiological problems related to integrative human physiology.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Faculty.
Lectures run concurrently with Medical Science 404.
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Medical Science
Information Storage and Processing in Biological Systems
Examination of complex biological systems; concepts and fundamentals of biological solutions to information storage and processing: modelling and computer simulation of biological systems; information storage in biological molecules; genetic networks; hierarchical organization of biological information processing in signal transduction, development, evolution, and ecology; biological control systems.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Faculty.
Also known as:
(Computer Science 605)
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Medical Science
Gene Expression
The flow of genetic information from DNA to final protein product. The subject will be covered in two courses offered in alternating years: gene structure and regulation of transcription, including gene structure and organization, chromatin structure, regulation of transcription and post-translational processing; and the activity of genes during development including stored messenger ribonucleoprotein particles and translational control in gametes, the switch from maternal to zygote genome control of development in early embryos and the molecular basis of morphogenesis and differentiation.
609.02. Genes and Development
Course Hours:
Medical Science 537 (Biochemistry 537) or equivalent and consent of the Faculty.
Credit for both Medical Science 609.01 and 607.01 will not be allowed. Note: Credit for both Medical Science 609.02 and 751.14 will not be allowed.
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Medical Science
Medical Microbiology
The basic principles of medical microbiology and the pathogenesis of infectious disease and of clinically important microbial pathogens including bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. Recent concepts will be described and students will be expected to present and critically discuss research advances of their choosing from the current research literature.
Course Hours:
Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 241 and 343 or equivalent or consent of the Faculty.
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Medical Science
Advanced Studies in Microbiology
Specialized topics including basic principles of infection; spread, prevention and control of infectious diseases; mechanisms of and approaches to study bacterial pathogenesis; mechanism, methodology and modelling of gene expression.
613.01. Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
613.02. Pathogenesis of Microbial Disease
613.05. Regulation of Gene Expression in Bacteria
Course Hours:
Medical Science 612 or Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 421 or 521 or consent of the Faculty.
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Medical Science
Introductory neuroscience courses covering aspects of cellular, molecular, and systems physiology, neuroanatomy, and neurodevelopment.
619.01. Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Neuroscience
619.02. Systems Neuroscience and Neuropathology
Course Hours:
Must be registered in the Neuroscience Graduate Program. Consent of instructor(s) is required for all other students.
Not open to undergraduate students.
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Medical Science
Topics in Systems Physiology
Designed for students undertaking research in physiology or related disciplines with only limited prior exposure to the discipline. Introduces and discusses fundamental and current issues in physiology ranging from the basic physiological systems through to translational clinical topics. Encompasses the basic physiological mechanisms with emphasis on the role of the autonomic nervous system. Subject areas will include basic physiology of the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, renal, endocrine and reproductive systems.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Faculty.
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Medical Science
Principles of Drug Action
The action of chemicals and drugs on biological systems ranging from subcellular particles to the intact organism.
621.01. Basic Principles of Pharmacology
Course Hours:
Zoology 461, Medical Science 404 and Medical Science/Biology 501, or consent of the Faculty.
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Medical Science
Respiratory Science and Critical Illness
Respiratory physiology; including topics such as cellular, morphology, mechanics, control of breathing, and respiratory muscles, necessary to an understanding of respiration and respiratory failure. As well, core physiology and molecular biology underlying critical illness.Â
623.01. Pulmonary Mechanics and Gas Exchange
623.02. Physiology of Respiration and Critical Illness
623.03. Respiratory Science: Basic
623.04. Respiratory Science: Applied
Course Hours:
Zoology 463 or 465 or consent of the Faculty.
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Medical Science
Normal endocrine physiology and biochemistry. Mechanisms and principles of departure from normal endocrine homeostasis.
627.03. Selected Topics in Advanced Endocrinology
Course Hours:
Zoology 597 or consent of the Faculty.
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Medical Science
Cardiovascular Dynamics
Includes topics such as basic physiologic mechanisms including excitation-contraction coupling, mechanics, energetics, and cardiovascular control; major diseases entities as a means of illustrating pathologic alterations in normal physiologic mechanisms; or a systematic in-depth examination of the chemicals that affect the cardiovascular system.
629.01. Cardiovascular Physiology
629.02. Cardiovascular Pathophysiology
629.03. Cardiovascular Pharmacology
Course Hours:
Consent of the Faculty.
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Medical Science
Muscle Physiology
Contractile processes, excitation-contraction coupling, the control of contraction and energetics in smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscle. Molecular studies of the contractile process and of the process of excitation contraction coupling.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Faculty.
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Medical Science
The Kidney
Advanced courses detailing the functional organization of the kidney at all levels, from cell to intact organism. Topics encompass basic physiological principles and their relevance to experimental medicine and therapeutics, as well as the study of disease processes, which impact kidney function.
633.01. Renal Physiology
633.02. Renal Pathophysiology
633.03 History of Renal Physiology
Course Hours:
Medical Science 604 or equivalent or consent of the Faculty.
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Medical Science
Psychosocial Oncology
A seminar-based course focusing on the possible causes of psychosocial problems in cancer patients and families (medical, psychological and social) and also on how patients and families are helped through the difficult transitions resulting from a cancer diagnosis, treatment, recurrent disease, and end of life care. The course is open to health professionals and researchers, and to advanced undergraduate students in relevant disciplines.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Faculty.
Credit for both Medical Science 635 and 645.14 will not be allowed.
This course is open to health professionals and researchers, and to advanced undergraduate students in relevant disciplines.
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Medical Science
Gastrointestinal Physiology
Physiology of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract at all levels from the cell to the intact system. Medical Science 637.01 has three components 1) An introductory series of lectures covering the basic physiological principles of the regulation of the GI tract and the individual organs that comprise it or are associated with it. 2) Extended directed tutorials conducted on-line through Blackboard. Topics will be selected to reflect the needs and interests of the enrolled students. 3) A written term paper on a subject of the students' own choice and pre-approved by the course co-ordinator that will also be presented orally to the class.
637.01. Organization and Function of the GI Tract
Course Hours:
Consent of the Faculty.
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Medical Science
Mucosal Pathophysiology
Focuses on the physiology and pathophysiology of the gastrointestinal tract, lung and other mucosal tissues. A particular emphasis will be placed on inflammatory processes in these tissues, and how they contribute to symptom generation and tissue dysfunction. Involves independent research on the part of the students, small group sessions, written assignments and class presentations.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Faculty.
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Medical Science
Introductory and advanced courses in immunology that cover humoral and cellular immunity and the inflammatory response at the cellular, molecular, and whole organism level. Basic mechanisms that lead to immunity or to inflammatory responses. The contribution of immunological and inflammatory processes in the immunopathogenesis of disease.
639.01. Principles of Immunology
639.02. Cellular and Molecular Immunology
639.03. Topics in Immunology
639.04. Inflammation
Course Hours:
Consent of the Faculty.
Credit for both Medical Science 639.01 and 755.01 will not be allowed. Credit for both Medical Science 639.02 and 641.01 will not be allowed. Credit for both Medical Science 639.03 and 641.03 will not be allowed. Credit for both Medical Science 639 and 639.04 will not be allowed.
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Medical Science
Advanced courses that provide in depth coverage of the research discipline of genetics, including the areas of cytogenetics, genomics, metabolic genetics, mouse genetics, population genetics, and human and medical genetics.
641.01. Advanced Genetics I
641.02. Advanced Human Cytogenetics
641.03. Advanced Genetics II
641.04. Genomics
Course Hours:
Consent of the instructor.
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Medical Science
Advanced Muscle Mechanics and Physiology
A look at problems associated within muscle mechanics and contractility. Also the use of muscle mechanics as a scientific discipline to critically learn and evaluate the scientific process. Basic anatomy and physiology of muscle contraction including the cross-bridge theory, and the force-length, force-velocity and force-time relationships of actively and passively contracting muscles will also be covered.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Faculty.
Also known as:
(Kinesiology 663)/(Mechanical Engineering 663)
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Medical Science
Biotechnology Commercialization
Technology commercialization is the process of translating research results, scientific discoveries or processes and methods into a commercially useful and profitable product. Students will study the biotechnology commercialization process and will develop a mock-up i) starting with a new product or service idea, ii) carrying out the early stage development, iii) developing the necessary strategic and business plans, iv) securing adequate and appropriate financing, and v) marketing and selling the product. The primary deliverable will be the creation of a strategic plan for an innovative biotechnology product or service.
Course Hours:
Must be registered in the Biomedical Technology Graduate Program. Consent of the instructor(s) is required for all other students.
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Medical Science
Clinical Trials and Bio-manufacturing
The objective of this course is to provide general understanding and appreciation, regulatory requirements and ethical considerations around conducting clinical trials as well as bio-pharmaceutical manufacturing. An emphasis will be placed on regulatory obligations. The course will provide opportunities in writing protocols, clinical trial applications, auditing facilities and process validation.
Course Hours:
Must be registered in the Biomedical Technology Graduate Program. Consent of instructor(s) is required for all other students.
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Medical Science
Practicum in Biomedical Technology
A full course carried out in an academic or industrial setting for a period of at least twelve weeks. Students have an opportunity to apply the principles and methods of investigation learned during the Master of Biomedical Technology program and carry out related research. Practicum projects can be focused on any of the following aspects of the commercialization process: patent filing, research and development, business development, manufacturing to clinical trials, marketing and sales.
Course Hours:
Must be registered in the Biomedical Technology Graduate Program.
Completion of all other course requirements in Master of Biomedical Technology program is normally required prior to registration for this course. Exceptions must be approved by the Graduate Director.
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Medical Science
Techniques in Medical Science
Introduction to the theory of operation of electronic devices commonly used in biophysical studies including principles of amplifiers and filters, micro- and patch electrode techniques and computer-laboratory interfacing.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Faculty.
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Medical Science
Biotechnology Business Aspects
Aspects involved in taking an original scientific idea or discovery all the way to a start-up company will be covered. Lecturers discuss commercialization, venture capital, business plan, patents and law, marketing.
Course Hours:
Must be registered in the Biomedical Technology Graduate Program. Consent of instructor(s) is required for all other students.
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Medical Science
Careers in Biotechnology
A series of talks and workshops designed to provide students with practical knowledge of the biotechnology industry. In collaboration with the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Career Services, the course covers personal and professional development planning, resume writing, networking, negotiation and interviewing skills and job search strategies specifically for the biotechnology field. This course runs during the fall and winter block weeks with additional retreat days throughout the year.
Course Hours:
H(3S -0)
Must be registered in the Biomedical Technology Graduate Program. Consent of instructor(s) is required for all other students.
Admission to the Master of Biomedical Technology program is normally required for enrolment in this course.
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Medical Science
Integrated Systems Course
The principles of molecular and cell biology, pathology, physiology, pharmacology, microbiology and immunology as applied to new diagnostics, vaccines or therapeutics. Lectures in the two courses are in parallel and fully integrated. Both courses are required components of the MBT program. The goal of the course, with an emphasis on cellular and molecular mechanisms in health and disease, is to provide students with the skills to interface with individuals in these disciplines in the biotechnology industry. Complemented by special lectures that provide industry perspectives in these disciplines.
674.01. Physiological and Pharmacological Aspects of Therapeutics Development
674.02. Molecular Cell Biology of Diagnostic and Vaccine Development
Course Hours:
Must be registered in the Biomedical Technology Graduate Program. Consent of the instructor(s) is required for all other students.
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Medical Science
Bioinformatics Resources for the Biologist
This introductory graduate level course will familiarize biologists with algorithms and search engines used to analyze nucleic acid and protein sequences and structures.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Faculty.
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Medical Science
Scripting and Database Querying for Molecular Biologists
Intended for biologists who wish to improve their bioinformatics analysis capabilities by learning just a small amount of query and programming syntax. The focus is on practicality rather than programming theory. The course explores how to use existing tools (on the command-line and on the web) to gather and process large datasets all at once, rather than doing many individual analyses manually.
Course Hours:
No prior programming experience is required.
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Medical Science
Directed Study in Biomedical Technology
Lectures, seminars, term papers or training in theoretical and/or laboratory methods at the advanced level in biomedical technology or medical sciences.
Course Hours:
Consent of both the faculty member who will supervise and the MBT faculty member who will co-supervise the chosen study and must be registered in the Master of Biomedical Technology program.
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Medical Science
Project in Biomedical Technology
Students will conduct both business and laboratory-based projects throughout the year. The business-based aspect will include running a business, doing market research for companies or working with their business mentor. The laboratory-based aspect will include new diagnostics development and validation. This course will cover basic principles of project management as well as biotech lab theory and practical aspects covered via tutorials, journal club and laboratory sessions. There will be a combination of monthly meetings, lectures, lab tutorials, commercial technology reviews, tours, demos, and practical labs.
Course Hours:
Must be registered in the Biomedical Technology Graduate Program. Consent of the instructor(s) is required for all other students.
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Medical Science
The Biology and Therapy of Human Cancer
An examination and discussion of current knowledge of the molecular and cellular biology of human cancer and the scientific basis of cancer therapy. Offered in a modular format: each course will consist of one required module and two elective modules. Students can choose the elective modules from a list that is specific for each course. Modules will emphasize student presentations, critical evaluation, and discussions of current and seminal research papers on the module topic. Refer to the Southern Alberta Cancer Research Institute website at www.sacri.ucalgary.ca for more information.
683.01. Cancer Pathology, Epidemiology and Therapy
683.02. Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer
683.04. Cell Biology of Cancer
Course Hours:
Must be a Faculty of Medicine graduate student. All other students require consent of the instructor.
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Medical Science
Biomechanics of Human Movement
Introduction to the measuring methods (accelerometry, goniometry, film and film analysis, video systems) of biomechanical analysis of human movement (force and force distribution). Description of the mechanical properties of bone, tendon, ligaments, cartilage, muscles, and soft tissues. The relation between structure and function of biomaterials. Introduction in descriptive analysis of human movement.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Faculty.
Credit for more than one of Medical Science 685, Mechanical Engineering 685 and Kinesiology 685 is not allowed.
Also known as:
(Mechanical Engineering 685)
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Medical Science
Medical Imaging
Introduction to the theory and practical applications of medical imaging. Specific courses focus on an overview of modern diagnostic imaging techniques (689.01), as well as advanced study of specific techniques including magnetic resonance imaging (689.02) and medical image processing (689.03), and molecular imaging (689.04).
689.01. Medical Imaging Techniques
689.02. Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
689.03. Advanced Medical Image Processing
689.04. Advanced Molecular Imaging
689.99. Medical Imaging Project
Course Hours:
Consent of the Faculty. Medical Science 689.01 should be taken prior to the advanced courses.
Courses are open to interested graduate students in medicine, engineering, and science and to appropriately prepared undergraduate students enrolled in computer engineering, electrical engineering, and physics.
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Medical Science
Advanced Topics in Reproductive Health
A series of topics, ranging from basic sciences to clinical topics (including ethical issues) to increase awareness and comprehension regarding current issues in reproductive health.
Course Hours:
Consent of course co-ordinator and student's supervisor, if applicable.
Interest in reproductive health/reproductive biology is essential.
Also known as:
(Veterinary Medicine 701)
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Medical Science
Human Anatomy: Concepts, Exploration and Teaching
Introductory course for graduate students with an interest in mammalian morphology to human cadaver dissection, human anatomy concepts and teaching strategies within the medical professional curriculum. Weekly lectures and discussions supplement a cadaver dissection-based course intended for students interested in pursuing an academic career in a medically related field.
Course Hours:
Should have some previous experience with dissection. Consent of the instructors.
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Medical Science
Theory and Practice of Family Therapy
Overview of different family therapy approaches focusing on systemic assessment and systemic intervention through therapeutic interviewing. The development of student knowledge and skills in family therapy utilizing social constructionist, narrative, systemic, collaborative, and pro-feminist ideas while fostering the professional identity of the therapist.
706.01 Theory and Practice of Family Therapy I: Systemic Approaches
706.02 Theory and Practice of Family Therapy II: Postmodern Approaches
Course Hours:
Must be registered in the Faculty of Medicine graduate programs. All others will require consent of the instructor.
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Medical Science
Family Therapy Practicum
The development of conceptual and experiential expertise in working therapeutically with families.
707.01. Family Therapy I
707.02. Family Therapy II
Course Hours:
Consent of the Faculty.
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Medical Science
Theory and Practice of Interprofessional Psychosocial Oncology
Provides graduate students with a multidisciplinary introduction to the field of psychosocial oncology. Emphasis will be placed on understanding and interpreting the experience of cancer informed by theory, evidence and illness narratives. Case based learning in small interprofessional groups will allow students to explore a variety of key learning themes relevant to psychosocial oncology including distress assessment, depression, anxiety, adjustment and coping, sexuality, loss and grief. Attention to diversity will be integrated throughout the course.
Course Hours:
Consent of the instructor.
Must have an undergraduate degree in a relevant domain (including, but not limited to medicine, psychology, nursing, social work, spiritual care/theology). This is an online course.
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Medical Science
Topics in Mountain Medicine and High Altitude Physiology
A tutorial-based course focused on high altitude medicine and physiology. The aim of the course is to introduce the students to the physiological adaptations of, and pathophysiology associated with, the hypoxia of altitude. Students will be introduced to several diseases associated with the hypoxia of high altitude (i.e., Acute Mountain Sickness; High Altitude Pulmonary Edema, High Altitude Cerebral Edema), and the pathophysiology underlying these diseases.
Course Hours:
Consent of the instructor.
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Medical Science
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Historical and recent developments in analysis of eukaryotic genomes and control of gene expression, chromosome structure, bioinformatics, sequencing, proteomics, regulatory networks, metabolomics and related technologies and their applications to the study of human disease.
Course Hours:
Must be registered in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Graduate Program. Consent of the instructor is required for all other students.
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Medical Science
Medical Education
The design, planning, teaching and evaluation of courses in the health science disciplines. Practical experience in teaching methods and curriculum development. Intended for graduate students, faculty and resident physicians, and approved for study credit by the College of Family Physicians of Canada.
Course Hours:
Must be registered in the Medical Education Specialization of the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of the instructor is required for all other students.
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Medical Science
Research Design and Statistics in Medical Education
Research design and statistical analysis including a broad overview of the variety of methods for research in medical education and related sciences. There is both a theoretical basis in lectures and seminars as well as applied approaches in laboratory exercises. A variety of research tools will be explicated and utilized.
Course Hours:
Must be registered in the Medical Education Specialization of the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of instructor is required for all other students.
Admission to the Medical Education specialization of the Medical Science graduate program is normally required for enrolment in this course.
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Medical Science
Qualitative Measurements for Medical Education
Provides an introduction to qualitative methods as adapted for medical education research and evaluation. Designed to focus on the rationale for qualitative research, the appraisal of qualitative research, methods of data collection (e.g. focus groups, interviews, and text), data handling, data analysis and writing a qualitative research proposal. Specific approaches used in qualitative research including: grounded theory, ethnographic designs, phenomenology, action research and discourse analysis will be discussed.
Course Hours:
Enrolment is open to graduate students registered in the Community Health Sciences specialization of the Medical Science graduate program. Consent of instructor is required for all other students.
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Medical Science
Teaching Methods in the Medical Sciences
Examines traditional and innovative methods used in medical and science education and clinical teaching to enhance student and practitioner knowledge, skills and attitudes. Discussions and presentations will focus on the role of the teacher and teaching strategies that include the lecture, small group teaching, inquiry and problem solving methods, reflective tools, simulation, surgical skills, computer based instruction, bedside learning, one on one teaching and self-directed learning. The content will be presented within the context of contemporary research, practice and educational theory. Participants will be expected to identify, critique literature, and prepare instructional activities that link research and theory to practice.
Course Hours:
Must be registered in the Medical Education Specialization of the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of instructor is required for all other students.
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Medical Science
Medical Education Cognition Principles
Focus on the study of cognition as it relates to medical education. Begins with a broad overview of principles of adult education, including the fundamental theories of cognition, behaviourism, and social learning theory. From this foundation, the course will review key concepts in medical education cognition, including memory, analytical/non-analytical problem solving, and cognitive load theory. Sessions will provide both didactic lecture material and interactive small group discussion.
Course Hours:
Must be registered in the Medical Education Specialization of the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of the instructor is required for all other students.
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Medical Science
Curriculum Design and Evaluation in the Medical Sciences
Presents an overview of the key elements of curriculum design and evaluation within the context of contemporary medical education research, learning and teaching theory, and teaching. Through classroom and electronic discussion, reading and assignments, participants will explore learning needs, objectives, the selection of teaching methods, the identification of resources, the implementation and monitoring of curriculum and evaluation.
Course Hours:
Must be registered in the Medical Education specialization of the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of instructor is required for all other students.
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Medical Science
Meta-Analysis/Systematic Review in Medical Education
To become familiar with the theory, research, and application of meta-analysis/ systematic review as it applies to the compilation of studies in education and healthcare with a focus on the discipline of medicine education. In particular, an emphasis will be placed on the principles of using statistical methods and techniques related to synthesizing studies in the measurement of a pre-determined and appropriate topic of interest to the participant.
Course Hours:
Must be registered in the Medical Education specialization of the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of instructor is required for all other students.
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Medical Science
Medical Education Measurement
Focuses on the assessment issues related to the measurement of student achievement, competency, and performance in educational settings. The principles of Classical Test Theory, Item Response Theory, and Generalizability Theory will be introduced and explored through both formal lectures and computer lab activities. Specifically, the course will focus on the measurement issues and concerns related to undergraduate and postgraduate medical education programs.
Course Hours:
Must be registered in the Medical Education specialization of the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of instructor is required for all other students.
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Medical Science
Topics in Medical Science
751.07. The Physiological Development of the Fetus and Newborn
751.09. Ion Channel Diseases
751.31. Joint Injury and Disease Biomechanical Focus
751.42. Neuroanatomy
751.43. Orientation and Clinical Rotations for Pathologists’ Assistants
Course Hours:
Consent of the Faculty.
Enrolment in Medical Science 751.43 is restricted to students registered in the Pathologists' Assistant Specialization in the Medical Science (Masters) graduate program.
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Medical Science
Directed Study
Lectures, seminars, term papers or training in theoretical and/or laboratory methods at the advanced level in the medical sciences.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Faculty.
Submission of application is required to set up directed study topic. Forms available from the Graduate Science Education Office in the Faculty of Medicine.
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In addition to the numbered and titled courses shown above, the department may offer advanced level graduate courses specifically designed to meet the needs of individuals or small groups of students at the advanced doctoral level. These courses are numbered in the series 800.01 to 899.99. Such offerings are, of course, conditional upon the availability of staff resources.