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Graduate Studies Calendar 2023-2024 Courses of Instruction Course Descriptions S Software Engineering for Engineers ENSF
Software Engineering for Engineers ENSF

For more information about these courses, see the Department of Electrical and Software Engineering .

Graduate Courses

Registration in all courses requires the approval of the Department of Electrical and Software Engineering.

Software Engineering for Engineers 603       Modelling and Measurement of Software Performance
Performance-oriented review of computer systems; methodologies to evaluate software performance; fundamental performance laws; performance prediction using queuing network models; discrete event simulation of computer system performance, simulation input and output analysis; performance testing, monitoring and benchmarking; workload characterization; software performance engineering.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the MSc or PhD with specialization in Software Engineering.
Credit for Software Engineering 603 and 619.02 (SoftwareDevelpmnt OpenSource) will not be allowed.         
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Software Engineering for Engineers 604       Theoretical Foundations of Software Engineering
Explores formal principles of software engineering based on the common recognition that software engineering is not constrained by any physical laws as we know. The transdisciplinary foundations of software engineering are presented from the facets of information, computing, mathematics, cognitive, and management sciences, software engineering philosophies; engineering, mathematical, computational, management science, cognitive informatics, computational intelligence foundations and approaches of software engineering. As a result, a coherent framework of software engineering theories is learnt.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the MSc or PhD with specialization in Software Engineering.
Credit for Software Engineering for Engineers 604 and Software Engineering 609.19 (TheoreticalFoundationsOfSeng) will not be allowed.        
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Software Engineering for Engineers 606       Software Engineering Fundamentals
Methodological foundation of software development principles from requirements analysis to software design and architecture.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the MEng with specialization in Software Engineering.
Credit for Software Engineering for Engineers 606 and either 614 or 619.16 (Software Engg Fundamentals) will not be allowed.
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Software Engineering for Engineers 607        Advanced Software Development and Architecture
A study of software design topics including: abstraction, modularity, design patterns, software modeling, architectural patterns.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2)
Admission to the MEng with specialization in Software Engineering and completion of Software Engineering for Engineers 692, 693 and 694; or admission to the MEng with specialization in Software Engineering, foundation courses exempt cohort.
Credit for Software Engineering for Engineers 607 and 619.21 (Software Design & Arch I) will not be allowed.
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Software Engineering for Engineers 608       Databases
A study of topics related to architecting software systems: database design, methods and technologies for developing web-based software systems, and architecting systems for non-functional software properties.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2)
Admission to the MEng with specialization in Software Engineering and completion of Software Engineering for Engineers 692, 693 and 694; or admission to the MEng with specialization in Software Engineering, foundation courses exempt cohort.
Credit for Software Engineering for Engineers 608 and 619.22 (Software Design & Arch II) will not be allowed.
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Software Engineering for Engineers 609       Team Design Project in Software Engineering I
A team design project in either software development or software best practice and experience.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the MEng with specialization in Software Engineering and Software Engineering for Engineers 607, 608, 611, and 614; or admission to the MEng with specialization in Software Engineering, foundation courses exempt cohort.
Credit for Software Engineering for Engineers 609 and 619.23 (Team Design Project I) will not be allowed.
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Software Engineering for Engineers 610       Team Design Project in Software Engineering II
A team design project in either software development or software best practice and experience.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the MEng with specialization in Software Engineering and completion of Software Engineering for Engineers 692, 693 and 694; or admission to the MEng with specialization in Software Engineering, foundation courses exempt cohort.
Credit for Software Engineering for Engineers 610 and 619.24 (Team Design Project II) will not be allowed.
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Software Engineering for Engineers 611       Machine Learning for Software Engineers
Covers Machine Learning, which focuses on developing machine learning applications, specifically in the engineering domain. Covers basic techniques for supervised and unsupervised learning, with the emphasis on the applied aspects of the techniques.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2)
Admission to the MEng with specialization in Software Engineering and completion of Software Engineering for Engineers 692, 693 and 694; or admission to the MEng with specialization in Software Engineering, foundation courses exempt cohort.
Credit for Software Engineering for Engineers 611 and either 519.47 (Applied Data Science) or 619.25 (Machine Learning for ENSF) will not be allowed.
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Software Engineering for Engineers 612       Engineering Large Scale Data Analytics Systems
Sources and characteristics of large scale data, i.e., "big data", large scale data analysis, benefits of large scale data analysis to various industry domains, scalable data analysis frameworks, large scale data algorithms in selected application domains.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the MEng with specialization in Software Engineering and completion of Software Engineering for Engineers 692, 693 and 694; or admission to the MEng with specialization in Software Engineering, foundation courses exempt cohort.
Credit for Software Engineering for Engineers 612 and 619.28 (Large Scale Analytics Systems) will not be allowed.
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Software Engineering for Engineers 613       Software Requirements Analysis and Process Management
Introduction to software development process, product management, and software requirements analysis: Elicitation, modelling, and validation of requirements.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the MSc or PhD with specialization in Software Engineering.
Credit for Software Engineering for Engineers 613 and 619.30 (Rqrm't Analysis & Process Mgmt) will not be allowed.
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Software Engineering for Engineers 614        Advanced System Analysis and Software Design
Advanced topics on principles of system analysis, system thinking, requirements engineering, essential elements of quality software design, design patterns, and system-level software analysis.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-1)
Admission to the MEng with specialization in Software Engineering and completion of Software Engineering for Engineers 692, 693 and 694; or admission to the MEng with specialization in Software Engineering, foundation courses exempt cohort.
Credit for Software Engineering for Engineers 614 and either 606 or 619.34 (AdvSytm analy&SoftwareDesgn) will not be allowed.
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Software Engineering for Engineers 619       Special Topics
A study of problems of particular interest to students specializing in Software Engineering.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-1) or (3-0)
Admission to the MSc or PhD with specialization in Software Engineering.
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Software Engineering for Engineers 692       Programming Fundamentals for Data Engineers
An introductory course in programming with an emphasis on data engineering. Topics include: basic data structures and algorithms; loops and iterations; files and I/O, functions, classes, modules, and packages; strings and text manipulation; data wrangling; network and web programming; data visualization.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2)
Admission to the MEng with specialization in Software Engineering.
Credit for Software Engineering for Engineers 692 and either 519.48 (Prog Fundmtl's Data Engineers) or 592 will not be allowed.
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Software Engineering for Engineers  693       Principles of Software Development I
A fundamental study of software design and development topics for engineering students. Topics include: fundamental programming constructs; key features of an object-oriented programming language, especially inheritance and polymorphism, elements of object-oriented design; programming and application of common data structures; strategies and tools for testing and debugging.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2)
Admission to the MEng with specialization in Software Engineering.
Credit for Software Engineering for Engineers 693 and either 519.49 (Principles of Software Dev I) or 593 will not be allowed.
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Software Engineering for Engineers 694       Principles of Software Development II
A fundamental study of data structures and algorithms for engineering students. Topics include arrays, lists, stacks, queues, trees, hash tables, graphs, algorithms for searching and sorting, and introduction to algorithm analysis.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2)
Admission to the MEng with specialization in Software Engineering.
Credit for Software Engineering for Engineers 694 and either 519.50 (Principles of Software Dev II) or 594 will not be allowed.
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