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Graduate Studies Calendar 2023-2024 Courses of Instruction Course Descriptions S Sustainable Energy Development SEDV
Sustainable Energy Development SEDV

For more information about these courses, see the Sustainable Energy Development program: .

Graduate Courses
Sustainable Energy Development 601       Energy Systems I
Fundamentals of energy resources from production through consumption including technical, economic, social, environmental and policy aspects; fossil fuels, nuclear and renewables; electricity systems, the built environment, mobility, industries; energy transitions and sustainable and just energy strategies.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Sustainable Energy Development Program.
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Sustainable Energy Development 603       Energy Systems II
Analysis of energy systems, integration of renewable and non-renewable systems, energy storage, and energy system reliability; energy balances, basic thermodynamic calculations, and system efficiency; environmental impact analysis and economics of energy production and use. Students will work in teams on an analysis of a current or future energy project.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Sustainable Energy Development Program and Sustainable Energy Development 601.
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Sustainable Energy Development 605       Indigenous Peoples and Sustainability in Energy Development
In-depth analysis of indigenous peoples and ecological sustainability in relation to energy development. Systems ecology, ecological economics, cultural anthropology, indigenous rights and ethics provide theoretical foundations for sustainable development in global context of indigenous peoples with primary focus on Canadian indigenous peoples. Historical and legal-political context addresses treaties, policy and land-use including duty to consult and accommodate with emphasis on reconciliation.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Sustainable Energy Development Program.
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Sustainable Energy Development 613       Energy Economics and Finance
Financial principles and evaluation techniques and their application to energy investment planning; assessment methods applied to real-world examples; assessment of foundations in environmental energy economics and policies.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Sustainable Energy Development Program.
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Sustainable Energy Development 615       Environmental Impact Assessment in the Energy Sector
Principles and professional practice of environmental impact assessment, with application to energy development projects.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Sustainable Energy Development Program.
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Sustainable Energy Development 619       Environmental Law in the Energy Sector
General legal concepts, administrative law, aspects and sources of environmental law, environmental decision making, international agreements and treaties, and law reform.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Sustainable Energy Development Program.
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Sustainable Energy Development 621       Environmental Management Tools in the Energy Sector
Environmental management systems and issues are discussed as they relate to organizational and environmental impacts. Topics include: environmental management for both compliance and innovation; management processes including audits, development of indicators and reporting, green product development, risk management.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Sustainable Energy Development Program.
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Sustainable Energy Development 623       Strategic Environmental Planning for Energy Organizations
The strategy of sustainable development concepts and principles and their application to energy policies and development opportunities for businesses, including stakeholder engagement.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Sustainable Energy Development Program.
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Sustainable Energy Development 631       Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment in the Energy Sector
The concepts supporting life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) as they apply to energy production and consumption decision-making; life cycle thinking; goal and scope definition; mitigating problem shifting; inventory analysis; greenhouse gas emission quantification; environmental, cost, and social impact assessments; and multicriteria decision analysis.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Sustainable Energy Development Program.
Also known as:
(formerly Sustainable Energy Development 699.03 Lifecycle Assessment)
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Sustainable Energy Development 633       Energy and Climate Policy
The role of energy policy in sustainable energy development including the rationale for policy, the policy making process, principles of policy analysis, and the impact of energy policy on energy systems. Theoretical overview of energy policy tools and examples of their use in practice. Review of current issues in energy policy domestically and internationally.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Sustainable Energy Development Program.
Also known as:
(formerly Sustainable Energy Development 699.01 Energy Policy)
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Sustainable Energy Development 635       Fundamentals  of Water, Air, and Land Pollution
Water and air quality, clean water and air acts, drinking water criteria, common water and air pollutants and their impacts on human and ecological health; water energy nexus – inter-relationships between the two; water and energy conservation; water use in energy and mining industries; options for water reclamation and reuse; fundamentals of water and wastewater treatment; acid rain, particulates, SOx, NOx, urban/photochemical smog, tropospheric ozone and its depletion, CFCs; greenhouse gases and global warming, greenhouse gas effects, climate change, GHGs trends, negative effects of GHGs; introduction to multi-media contaminant transport and contaminated sites; introduction to risk assessment.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Sustainable Energy Development Program.
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Sustainable Energy Development 640       Capstone Project I: Research Design
Identification of potential capstone project research questions that are anchored in energy, environment and one other aspect of the student’s choice; development of research designs and skills to determine the feasibility of investigating potential research questions, narrowing options, and advancing the best option into a short proposal.
Course Hours:
1.5 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Sustainable Energy Development Program.
Credit for Sustainable Energy Development 640 and Sustainable Energy Development 625 will not be allowed.
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Sustainable Energy Development 641       Capstone Project II: Proposal Development
Writing a comprehensive proposal designed to answer a research question. Seeking approval from a supervisor with expertise on the chosen topic, with guidance from the course instructor. Verbally presenting the research question and convincing the audience of its importance. Continuing investigation of the research question with progress reports submitted to both the supervisor and the course instructor.
Course Hours:
0.75 units; (12 hours)
Admission to the Sustainable Energy Development Program and Sustainable Energy Development 640.
Credit for Sustainable Energy Development 641 and Sustainable Energy Development 625 will not be allowed.
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Sustainable Energy Development 642       Capstone Project III: Research Exploration and Examination
Exploring the research question through an in-depth literature review, data collection, and analyses of the aspects of energy, environment, and one other aspect. Completion and submission of a professionally prepared final report that explains the investigation and findings. Presentation of findings.
Course Hours:
0.75 units; (12 hours)
Admission to the Sustainable Energy Development Program and Sustainable Energy Development 641.
Credit for Sustainable Energy Development 642 and Sustainable Energy Development 625 will not be allowed.
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Sustainable Energy Development 698       Topics in Energy and the Environment I
Study of selected topics related to energy and the environment and related subjects. Specific course(s) will reflect changing needs and faculty interests.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Sustainable Energy Development Program.
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Sustainable Energy Development 699       Topics in Energy and the Environment II
Study of selected topics related to energy and the environment and related subjects. Specific course(s) will reflect changing needs and faculty interests.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Sustainable Energy Development Program.
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