²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ : L.1 Reappraisal of Graded Term Work


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Graduate Studies Calendar 2013-2014 Academic Regulations L. Appeals L.1 Reappraisal of Graded Term Work
L.1 Reappraisal of Graded Term Work

A student who feels that a piece of graded term work (term paper, essay, test, etc.) has been unfairly graded may have the paper re-graded as follows. The student shall discuss the work with the instructor within fifteen days of being notified about the mark or of the item’s return to the class. If not satisfied, the student shall immediately take the matter to the head of the department offering the course who will arrange for a reassessment of the work within the next fifteen days. Students in faculties without a departmental structure should take the matter to the Dean or the appropriate associate/assistant Dean of the Faculty offering the course. The result of that reassessment should be given to the student in writing.

The reappraisal of term work may cause the grade to be raised, lowered or to remain the same. There is no limit to the number of times that a student may request a reappraisal of term work.

L.1.a) Teaching Faculty Appeals Committee Reappraisal of term work is generally settled at the departmental level. If the student is not satisfied with the decision and wishes to appeal, the student shall address a letter of appeal to the Dean of the Faculty offering the course within fifteen days of the unfavourable decision. In the letter, the student must clearly and fully state the decision being appealed, the grounds for appeal and the remedies being sought, along with any special circumstances that warrant an appeal of the reappraisal. The student should include as much written documentation as possible.

At this stage the Dean of the Faculty offering the course, at his or her discretion, may attempt to resolve the situation without proceeding to the Faculty Appeals Committee. If the matter is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the appeal letter will be sent to the Faculty Appeals Committee.

The teaching Faculty Appeals Committee will not hear the appeal if the appeal letter does not detail the decision being appealed, grounds for appeal and outcome sought by the student, or if the chair of the Faculty Appeals Committee decides that sufficient grounds do not exist. If the appeal is to be heard and if the student has not already received a copy, the student is advised to request from the Dean’s office, a copy of the principles and procedures that govern the Faculty Appeals Committee for that Faculty. These procedures will detail the composition of the committee, the right of the student to have an advocate at the hearing, how the hearing will be conducted, and other information.

The Faculty Appeals Committee will report its decision to uphold or deny the appeal in writing to the Dean of the Faculty, the Registrar and the appellant as quickly as possible.

L.1.b) Reappraisal of a Final Grade In the reappraisal of a final grade, the only elements that will be considered are the grading of the final examination, if any, together with a recalculation of the weighted components that make up the final mark. An exception may occur when an instructor evaluates a piece of graded term work or other component at the end of the session; that grade may also be considered in a reappraisal of final grade.

A student wishing a reappraisal of an individual final grade should first attempt to examine the final examination at the department or Faculty office. Then the student shall obtain a Request for Reappraisal of Final Grade form from the Registrar’s Office. On that form the student is required to indicate exactly what error was made in marking the examination and/or in computing the final grade and where the error can be found. The form will not be processed and the reappraisal will not take place unless the student provides a detailed rationale that outlines where and for what reason an error is suspected.

Students wishing a reappraisal of a final grade (excluding Law courses) must submit their request by the following dates: Fall Session - March 1, Winter Session - June 30, Spring Session - August 15, Summer Session - October 15.

The reappraisal form shall be sent/brought to the Registrar who shall forward it to the department head or Dean of the Faculty offering the course. Reappraisals of final grades are dealt with by the head of the academic unit in consultation with members of staff. Normally, the department/Faculty will respond to a Request for Reappraisal of Final Grade within thirty days of its initiation. After the reappraisal is completed, the department shall return the form to the Registrar who shall inform the student in writing of the result of any request for reappraisal.

Students should be aware that the grade being reappraised may be raised, lowered or may remain the same. A student may request a reappraisal of final grade only twice in one academic year (July 1 - June 30).

Procedures for appealing a final grade reappraisal beyond the departmental level are detailed above in Appeals - Faculty Appeals Committee, and are the same for a final grade as for a piece of graded term work.