Preparing for your final exams
Here is some helpful information to help you prepare for your final exams
Exam day
When to arrive…
Arrive 15 minutes before your exam is scheduled to begin. If you arrive 30 minutes or more after the start of the exam, you will not be admitted to the exam room.
You're required to remain in the exam room for the first 30 minutes of the exam. All candidates remaining during the last 15 minutes of the exam period must remain at their desk until their exam has been collected by an invigilator.
Where do I sit?
- Seating in the Red (KNA 110), Gold (KNA 109), Dance Studio (KNA 163) and Auxiliary Gyms (KNA 117) in the Kinesiology building is assigned
- - KNA Main Level
- Seats are assigned based on your course and lecture number; displayed in alphabetic order by last name
- Seat lists are posted approximately one hour before exam start times
- Seat lists are posted in the Kinesiology A building atrium and outside (main) entrances
Map (Kinesiology building)
Academic Integrity Bags
Academic Integrity Bags will be used for all final exams held in the Red, Gold and Auxiliary Gyms, or Dance Studio.
NEW as of Fall 2021, please keep and reuse your integrity bag for the entire exam period.
During the exam...
Follow the instructions of the invigilator (exam supervisor) — this includes permission to start the exam and when to stop writing the exam. Write your name on each answer book and number each book as instructed. Write on both sides of the page unless otherwise instructed. Strike out discarded material — do not cut, tear or remove pages from the answer book. Direct all inquiries and requests to the exam proctors, this includes requests to leave the exam room or if you fall ill during the exam.
Do not do any of the following (it could result in academic misconduct): speak or communicate with other students; leave answer papers exposed for other students to view; attempt to read other students’ exam papers; bring unauthorized materials (books, electronic devices, etc.) into the exam room.
If you're sick on the day of a final exam, you can submit a deferred exam request. This request is available through your Student Centre ( in the 'Exams and Grades' area. Students must provide a reason for their absence. Requests for deferred final exams due to illness must be submitted within two business days after the scheduled final exam. For more information, see deferred final exams.
Requests to cancel an exam after the exam has been completed will not be considered.