Health and Dental: If you have proof of alternative health and dental coverage the option to opt out is available . You must opt out before the fee deadline for the term.
Engineering Endowment Fund: All engineering students are asked to make a tax-deductible donation to the Calgary Engineering Endowment Fund. Full- and part-time undergraduate students (excluding open studies and diploma students) are automatically charged $25 per fall and winter terms. The monies raised will be put into an endowment fund with the interest being used towards improving the engineering undergraduate program.
The donation can be opted out one month prior to the start of each term. Students can do this through the My Financials section of their Student Centre ( The donation is non-refundable after the term fee deadline, and the opt-out must be submitted online on or before the term fee deadline to opt out of the fee.
Learn how to opt out of the fund.
Student Donations (including the Undergraduate Student Peer Assistance Bursary, and the Graduate Peer Assistance Bursary): All students are asked by the Students’ Union to make a tax deductible donation to the Student Peer Assistance Bursary program, which includes both the Undergraduate and Graduate Peer Assistance Bursaries. These bursaries are available to students in financial need.​
​In each of the fall and winter terms, you'll be automatically charged $10. In each of the spring and summer terms, you'll be automatically charged $7. Your donation provides bursaries to other students with proven financial need. The donation is non-refundable after the term fee deadline. The donation can be opted out one month prior to term start through the My Financials section of the Student Centre ( The donation is non-refundable after the term fee deadline. ​
Note: Students who choose to opt out of the student donation limit the maximum available payout of the bursary. Students who do not contribute to the bursary program can only receive up to 50% of the maximum available payout ($1500).​
Learn how to opt out of this donation.