
Proactive Ergonomic Program

Find resources and assistance to help manage and prevent symptoms related to workspaces, job demands and work behaviours.

New staff and faculty

I am new to the university, and I need ergonomic training

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Group training

My unit/faculty requires customized training for a group of 10 or more workers (industrial, lab or office).

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I do not have pain or discomfort. I am proactively setting up my workstation, looking for symptom prevention techniques, and/or needing office furniture and equipment information.

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Stage one symptoms

I have had pain/discomfort for days/weeks and it is intermittent (comes and goes).

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Stage two symptoms

My pain/discomfort is lasting longer, and I am having difficulty with some of my daily activities. I have had these symptoms for weeks/months.

Stage three symptoms

My pain/discomfort is constant, it disrupts my sleep, and my daily activities are affected.  It takes more time to complete a task, I must modify tasks, and/or I need to ask for additional assistance.

Acute injury and/or surgery

I had a recent injury (excl. gradual onset injuries) and/or surgery.

Returning to work

I have been away from work due to an injury, illness, or surgery.  

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If your healthcare provider recommended an ergonomic assessment and/or specific equipment and furniture, such as a sit/stand desk or ergonomic keyboard, choose the category above that best describes your concerns/situation.